21 Most Shippable Moments So Far of Riverdale Season 3

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In a dark and twisted show like Riverdale, it’s safe to say you never quite know what the writers will throw at you next. With storylines of serial killer fathers, drug wars and cult derived board games, things are never simple.

If there’s one thing fans can count on from this perverse small town series, it’s quality shippable moments between their favorite characters. 
Canon or not, Riverdale always seems to find the time for sweet, sexy and romantic scenes that will make even the most obscure shipper happy. 
There may be plenty of episodes left to go, but we're counting down the 21 most shippable moments of Riverdale Season 3 so far! 
And if you're not all caught up, be sure to watch Riverdale online, since there are plenty of spoilers below!

21. Josie and Sweet Pea's Summer Fling

We didn’t get much from these two, and they definitely took us by surprise, but Josie and Sweetpea shared quite the shippable moment in the season three premiere. At the Labor Day pool party, it was revealed the two had a “summer fling," and although Josie ultimately shut Sweet Pea’s continuous advances down, we were seriously intrigued by these two! We’d love to see more scenes between them, but the rumor is Josie’s next romance will be no other than our resident red-haired hero Archie Andrews. Which also sounds pretty good to us!

20. Betty Tends To Archie's Wounds

After the crazy pace of the previous episode, it was endearing to watch Betty tend to best friend Archie in a quiet moment. It was a quick and subtle scene, but Betty clearly will always have a soft spot for Archie, and this scene showcased that sentiment perfectly.

19. Fred and Alice's Library Rendevous

The Midnight Club was an episode of Riverdale we never knew we needed, and it provided us with potential ships we never thought we’d root for; "Fralice" being one of them. In their adult forms, we’d never even think twice about putting these two together, but a look back at their time in high school had us second-guessing our ship preferences! There was a little bit of angst between them, but this soft and tender moment in the library is what really sold us. It gave us total Betty and Archie vibes, so who knows? Maybe Fred Andrews is what Alice Cooper (sorry, Alice Smith) needs, especially after being married to a serial killer.

18. Jughead and Archie Hit The Road Together

You could just call it an epic bromance moment, but the reveal that Jughead was giving up his entire life to run away with Archie did something to us. Not only did the scene give us serious Stand By Me feels, it really highlighted how much these two guys care about each other. Their loyalty through adversary is truly admirable, and in another life, they would make the perfect couple.

17. Veronica and Reggie Make Plans To Take Down Hiram

Veggie is a ship fans (including us) have waited patiently for, and we’re thrilled that Riverdale Season 3 is finally giving us what we want! Riverdale tends to jump into relationship dynamics quickly, so the slow and steady growing chemistry between these two is refreshing. Veronica has lost her family, her boyfriend, and her entire sense of normality, so Reggie's loyalty means even more. Seeing him ready to jump headfirst into taking down Hiram makes us swoon, and with every passing episode, we root for these two a little more.

16. FP and Hermione's Chemistry Filled Quest

Another couple The Midnight Club shockingly threw our way was a young FP and Hermione. They may have been under the influence of Griffins and Gargoyles, but there was no denying the serious sparks flying between them, even if was just for a moment. It’s probably better Hermione turned FP down, but that doesn’t mean we couldn’t help ourselves from hoping (just for a second!) that she would lean in and let him kiss her.

15. Bughead's Tunnel Talk

It may be an understated moment, but this scene between Betty and Jughead reminded us exactly why they are one of Riverdale's best couples. Even after facing an earlier difference of opinion, they still can move past their issues at the end of the day. Betty’s concern for Jughead’s safety and health clearly comes first and proves these two are stronger than ever before. In a show where things move at lightning speed, it’s the quiet (and beautifully shot) moments we cherish the most.

14. Veronica and Archie Secretly Reunite

After being separated for a few episodes (thanks to Hiram), it was a delight to watch dedicated girlfriend Veronica find a way to her man. The look on Archie’s face when they reunited was priceless, and our hearts melted at how determined Veronica was to make a plan for his escape.

13. Kevin and Joaquin Stumble Across Each Other

It may have been quick (and sure, Joaquin may have just stabbed Archie), but seeing these two share the screen again reminded us of how much we have missed this ship! Moose is fine, and all, but Joaquin was never ashamed of Kevin, and their “opposites attract” dynamic made their scenes all the most enticing to watch. Even under duress, Joaquin still took the time to stop and warn Kevin to get to safety, and this ship will always have a small place in our hearts. RIP, Joaquin.

12. FP and Alice's Steamy Bathroom Makeout

Wow! We knew FP and Alice had history, but we didn’t know it was quite that steamy! We were already aboard the Falice train, but to see the chemistry between these two in their teenage days just made us ship them even harder! The sparks leaped off of the page (potentially aided by Reinhart and Sprouse’s real-life romance), and it left us wanting to know more about how their relationship initially blossomed.

11. Veronica and Reggie's Alter Egos Save Archie

We sound like a broken record, but we can't get enough of this dynamic duo! They make such a great team, and their scheme to break Archie out of jail worked flawlessly! Although, we do have to admit our love for this scene is less about who they are, and more about how incredible they look together!

10. Bughead Says Goodbye

While this scene may not be overtly romantic, the reason we’re loving Bughead in Riverdale Season 3 so much is that of the time they take to communicate and catch up with one another. They are truly a team, even when they are headed down individual storylines, and we appreciate that kind of consistency in a relationship. The adorable way they stare into each other eyes doesn’t hurt, either.

9. Falice Get Together...Finally!

We still don't know what's going on with these two characters, but we do know that seeing them have a steamy rendezvous is something we've been anticipating for three seasons now! Alice's Serpent tattoo finally got revealed, and we wanted more after that sexy scene! We can't wait until all the dirty details about their relationship get revealed.

8. Archie Breaks Up With Veronica

Ironically enough, the breakup scene between Archie and Veronica was one of our favorite moments between them. It ended in tears and broken hearts, but the painstaking way Archie declares his love for Veronica, despite their inability to be together, reminded us of how passionately these two care for one another. Veronica dropping the phone and unable to say goodbye through her sobs as Kevin keeps her from collapsing was a knock in the gut for Varchie shippers everywhere. It may not be their time right now, but we have faith thee two will one day find their way back to each other.

7. Tom and Sierra's Surprising Love Story

We mentioned that a few ships took us by surprise during The Midnight Club episode, but no one shocked us quite like Tom Keller and Sierra McCoy. We knew they had a history in high school, but we didn't realize they were a real-life Romeo and Juliet love story! In an episode where most relationships got defined by sexual attraction, they gave us some of the softest, most romantic scenes we've ever seen from a Riverdale pairing. We're thrilled they found their way back to each other and made it past their parent's prejudice.

6. Archie Falls Into Jugheads Arms

Although he previously had refused to walk away from Griffins and Gargoyles to help save Archie, the reunion between these two made our hearts simultaneously soar and break. Injured and at the end of his rope, Archie falls down the bunker, and straight into Jughead's arms. Nothing could tear Jughead away from his game, except the sight of his best friend hurting and in need. The look on Jugheads face when he sees Archie again is priceless, and we couldn't think of a better way to have brought these two best friends back together.

5. Veronica and Reggie Team Up At Bonne Nuit

Once again, it’s that slow and steady growing bond that has hooked us with this twosome. We admire how dedicated Reggie is to Veronica, and how he never fails to be impressed by her. Both also struggle with neglectful and abusive families, so the fact they have each other (for support and scheming) is quite endearing.

4. Betty and Archie Reunite

We had been wondering why Betty hadn't been to visit Archie in jail, and we realized it was because the writers wanted us to wait for this moment right here--the best Barchie reunion we could ask! It was so fitting that Betty was the one to be waiting for Archie on the other side, and these two have a softness with one another we don't see with anyone else. The way she sighs with relief while touching his face, combined with the way he looks at her and smiles? Consider us puddles on the floor, hoping one day these two take things to the next level.

3. Veronica and Archie Recommit By The Fire

We'd gotten quite used to sexy scenes between Veronica and Archie, but their tete-a-tete by the fire led to something we're not sure we'd seen before-- the couple making love. This scene dialed down the Varchie raunch and instead opted for a moment of romance and connection for the 'ship, and it was one of the healthiest (and therefore most shippable) scenes between them yet. We've always been aware of their mutual attraction to one another, but it's most endearing when we see them acting like two crazy kids in love.

2. Cheryl Asks Toni To Move In With Her

We are "cuckoo bananas" for these two, obviously, so when Cheryl sweetly asked Toni to make her stay at Thistle house a permanent once, we were making serious heart eyes at our screens! These two saved each other when it counted most, and now we couldn't imagine either of them with anyone else. As Riverdale's only currently showcased LGBTQ+ ship, we're hoping for many more moments just like this one.

1. Bughead Promises Partnership

We already knew that Betty was his queen, but this moment on the Riverdale Season 3 premiere sold us on the ever-growing love story that is Bughead. Sure, steamy makeout's with scantily clad characters is fun, but it's moments like this one -- when Jughead promises partnership in life with Betty -- that exemplify the sincerity of romance. Jughead placing his cap (that he never takes off) playfully on Betty's head was just another symbol of his devotion to her, and they have since become far and away the most shippable dynamic on Riverdale.

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Riverdale Quotes

Alice: These diaries are your past, and your past is crushing you. Edgar says that...
Betty: What, Mom? What does some guru who’s running a heaven’s gate commune for pregnant runaways and wives of serial killers have to say about my diaries?
Alice: We know that you look down on the Farm, Betty. But, Edgar has done nothing but help me. He’s encouraged me to embrace everything that I was ashamed of and become the best version of myself.

Betty: You should be writing about the real story. What happened to Jason? Who was holding him captive? Why was he frozen? And who shot that gun on July 4?
Mrs. Cooper: Yes, well if you're so keen on reporting, then why don't you come work with your father and me? The Register could really use a Lois Lane type like you.