19 Steamy True Blood Sex Scenes

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Death isn't the only certainty on True Blood. Witness some of the best couplings from all of the seasons of True Blood.

1. A Fang-Tastic Fantasy

Sex dreams are rampant on True Blood, and Eric had this running through his mind while watching another nearly naked woman dance.

2. Sarah Newlin Licks a Beer Bottle

In "Shake And Fingerpop" Jason fantasizes Sarah doing a wickedly sexy barbecue striptease and male fans of True Blood live it right along with him.

3. Bloody Bill and Lorena

Nothing was normal about the relationship between Bill and his maker Lorena. They had head spinning sex in the present, but in the past they were fond of sexing after their kills.

4. Pam and Eric Once Upon a Time

Back in the day when Pam was a young progeny of her maker Eric, they enjoyed sex and pillow talk.

5. Jason and Amy Have Sex on V

It was crazy, Jason and Amy's V sex romp. If Amy was right, it never even happened. With hallucinations like those, bring on the V!

6. Jason's Dream Sex with Jessica

It's Jason's turn to dream and he haunts up a sexy Jessica as he feels guilty over wanting Hoyt's girl. To the right? Hoyt interrupting the dream. But nothing stops dream Jessica!

7. Sexy Non-Sex Between Sookie and Alcide

Through the seasons Alcide spent a lot of time naked but rarely having sex. This shot of him behind Sookie screams sex, but there wasn't any. It's included because it's sex-Y.

8. Amnesiac Sex

Was Eric sexier as an amnesiac? Sookie sure thought so. Here they fell into sex in the woods. Sure enough, Alcide walked along later. Whoops!

9. Jason and Jessica Blow Off Steam

After weeks of sexual tension and dreams of sex, Jason and Jessica get real in the back of a pickup. See the hint of her fangs? Wowza.

10. Sookie and Bill DID Have Sex!

It seems like all the good sex scenes are from others than they around whom the story was built. But, Sookie jumped Bill in the dirt after she thought he was dead and he arose out of the ground in Season 1.

11. Alcide and Rikki Rough and Tumble

Alcide proved he was a considerate and passionate lover as he and Rikki tear it up in his most nekkid scene yet. Yum.

12. Sex and Death with Eric and Talbot

Poor Talbot. The long-time lover of Russell Eddington got caught in Eric's plan for vengeance and when he thought he was getting down, he was getting staked instead. Eric is a tease!

13. Jessica and Jason Make Art with Sex

The sex was beautiful. Really artfully done. Even the photo is gorgeous as Jessica contemplates a non-relationship with Jason after Hoyt.

14. Sookie and Warlow are All Aglow

When a couple of faeries have sex, things light up! Ben was good, Warlow was bad, then Warlow was good and then he was bad. Who cares? He had great sex with Sookie.

15. Tara Wrestles with Naomi

Tara in New Orleans as a cage fighter had nothing on her hook up with fighting lover, Naomi. Tara got interesting after she died.

16. Sibling Sex with Eric and Nora

Thankfully, not siblings by the traditional definition, but born of Godric, Nora and Eric came together very well. Is there anyone who makes Eric look bad while sexing?

17. Roman and Salome

Not wanting to miss out on the hot factor of Christopher Meloni as Roman, he got some sex in with Sanguinista Salome before he turned to dust.

18. For Sookie's Dream, It Takes Three

Sookie gets in on the sex dream fun when she imagines a threesome with her two favorite men of Season 4, Eric and Bill. Hell yeah.

19. WTF? Tara and Pam

Tara's new lease on life included a penchant for the ladies and who ISN'T interested in Pam? Tara's first kiss with Pam was HAWT.

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True Blood Quotes

Pam: Thanks for the suggestion but we prefer to do things the old fashioned way.
Elijah: Yeah you and Blockbuster Video.

Your bedtime will be 4 a.m., not a minute later... We also recycle in this house.


True Blood Music

  Song Artist
Good Behaviour Powersolo iTunes
Pistol Whip Me Acumen Nation iTunes
Crazed Country Rebel Hank Williams III iTunes