19 Shocking Vampire Diaries Deaths

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We're taking a look at 19 of the most shocking deaths from the first five seasons of The Vampire Diaries. Which took you most by surprise?

1. 19 Shocking Vampire Diaries Deaths

Who will be back for The Vampire Diaries Season 6?

2. Vicki Donovan

The first major character and the first of Jeremy's girlfriends to die. Her death set the tone for the rest of the series and made us realize that no one was safe.

3. Lexi

Stefan's oldest and best friend. Too bad she was there when Damon needed someone to get the Founder's Council off of his undead trail. She came and she went and her death has been felt throughout the entire series.

4. Grams

The first of the parental characters to go, but unfortunately not the last person Bonnie would lose. She went out as only a witch could do -- on an overdose of magic.

5. Caroline Forbes

Katherine was not messing around when she came to town and killed Caroline just to send a message! Luckily for us Caroline came back to be one of the most likable vampires ever.

6. Rose

Another character who we started to get to know and then poof she was gone. At least before departing she showed us a different side of Damon and illuminated on the dangers of werewolf venom.

7. Anna

The death of this baby vamp was a sad one because not only did she not deserve it, she was also Jeremy's second girlfriend to get murdered. Wish she had left town when her mother said so!

8. Elena's Parents

Elena's biological parents Isobel Flemming and uncle John Gilbert. Both died within episodes of each other while committing some form of suicide associated with saving Elena from Klaus.

9. Aunt Jenna

Elena's last living relative other than Jeremy lasted until the end of season 2 before being sacrificed by Klaus. Her death was truly shocking and left the two Gilbert siblings utterly alone.

10. Finn Mikaelson

While Finn wasn't the most popular character, through his death we learned that there are vampire bloodlines. This was scary news that still matters to the survival of all of the main characters! Wow!

11. Mikael Mikaelson

The man that even the originals ran from for almost 2,000 years was resurrected only to be staked by his big bad son Klaus. This family saga was rich in detail and led to an equally awesome spin off series.

12. Abby Bennett

Bonnie's long lost mom was on for a few episodes and then killed, mainly because being a witch was inconvenient for Elena's life at the time. Although she didn't make it into the inner circle of protected loved ones there was at least a coin toss involved!

13. Tyler's Hybrid Pack

When Klaus found out that all 12 of his hybrids had turned on him, he solved that problem in one fell swoop. He slaughtered all of them in one bloody scene to the tune of "Come all ye faithful".

14. Carol Lockwood

Not only was Carol the second of Tyler's parents to die over the series, but she was also part two of Klaus' revenge on Tyler. People on this show truly are guilty by association.

15. Elena Gilbert

After seasons of trying to stay alive, Elena finally became a vampire after refusing to let Stefan save her first and, ironically, dying exactly as her parents did. The show and most of the relationships on it have not been the same since then.

16. Alaric Saltzman

Everyone's favorite history teacher and Damon's bestie! Ric's death was one of the hardest and then we had to see him come back to life as a a villain. Luckily we get him back in season 6!

17. Bonnie's Dad

Bonnie's dad was killed by Silas in front of the entire town square while the ghost of Bonnie watched on with no one to hear her screams. Bonnie and Elena may be tied on the amount of mourning done by these characters.

18. Katherine Pierce

The villain (and plot device) that fans love to hate the most. She had a good run but she finally met her end after taking that pesky cure. It was scary when she was dragged to what we can assume was hell. Yikes!

19. Jeremy Gilbert

Although brought back to life twice, his death by Silas still counts. Jeremy's death is second in impact on the characters only to Elena. Bonnie sacrificed her life and Elena burned down a house!

20. Bonnie and Damon

Although this wasn't Bonnie's first death it was shocking when these two died hand in hand. There was also a feeling of permanence to it, and their deaths will be the focus of The Vampire Diaries Season 6..

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Vampire Diaries Quotes

Damon: I mean this sincerely: I hope Elena dies.

Oooh, you know I don't know. Every time we try and go on a date you get kidnapped, I get sent to a prison world, or your feelings get compelled away...
