18 Photos from Teen Wolf "Echo House"

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On Teen Wolf Season 3 Episode 20 Stiles faced his bleakest days yet as he entered Eichen House, the same facility where Barrow was committed, to try to save his friends from what he might become at the hands of the Nogitsune.

While inside he found a helpful ally in Ms. Morrell and a potential love interest in Peter Hale's were-coyote daughter Malia. She helped him and hurt him as he's the reason the Nogitsune found his way back into Stiles mind.


1. Stiles and Dad at Eichen House

Stiles prepares to commit himself to the same institution that housed Barrow in an attempt to protect his friends and family.

2. Scott Looks On

Scott watches helplessly as Stiles commits himself to Eichen House to protect his friends from what he might become.

3. Malia in Eichen House

Stiles encounters Malia at Eichen House, just before she greets him with a punch to the face.

4. Stiles Taken Down

Stiles is taken down to the ground after Malia punches him by way of greeting.

5. Argent and Derek in Jail

Argent and Derek discuss their willingness to take down Stiles if it means ending the Nogitsune. They have plenty of time to contemplate while in jail.

6. Persistent Nogitsune

The Nogistune continually tries to find ways to gain access to Stiles mind, lurking around every corner.

7. Ms. Morrell Threatens Stiles

As if the Nogitsune wasn't frightening enough, Morrell reveals a lethal injection drug and says she won't hesitate to use it.

8. Malia Helps Stiles

Malia turns into a great ally in Echo House as she shows off her acting skills and retrieves the keys leading to the basement.

9. Stiles is Drugged

Stiles is caught trying to get into the basement and the orderlies to the one thing that will harm him the most -- put him to sleep!

10. Kira Shows her Skills

Kira chooses a rather odd moment to show off her new skills with a sword to Scott. Perhaps she's forgotten the task at hand.

11. It's a Dream

While in a dream, Stiles finds himself stuck in a locker hiding from the persistent Nogitsune while he tries to get into Stiles head.

12. Scott and Allison Battle Kincaid

Scott and Allison battle Kincaid to get the scroll that may hold the answer to freeing Stiles from the Nogitsune.

13. Stiles Finds Love in Eichen House

Is this why Malia has become so integral to the story at just this moment? As Peter's daughter, she's the perfect match for Stiles.

14. A Dead Nogitsune

Malia and Stiles find the dead Nogitsune. What secret does it hold?

15. Stiles Bound by Oliver

The Nogitsune possesses Oliver to bind Stiles and Malia. Will this be the key to Stiles mind?

16. Nogitsune Threatens Malia

The Nogitsune knows Stiles well. Threatening Malia was enough to turn the tides and Stiles let the Nogitsune in to save Malia.

17. Deaton Reads the Scroll

The scroll says Stiles body needs to change to eject the Nogitsune. Scott's answer? Change Stiles into a werewolf!

18. Blue Eyed Malia

Malia leaves Eichen House in search of Scott. It looks like her encounter with Stiles triggered her inner coyote.

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Teen Wolf Quotes

I have a son. His name is Mieczyslaw Stilinski, but we call him Stiles. I remember. When Stiles was a little kid, he couldn't say his first name. I'm not sure why, it pretty much rolls off the tongue, but the closest he could was mischief. His mother called him that until...I remember when Stiles first got his jeep. It belonged to his mother. She wanted him to have it. The first time he took a spin behind the wheel, he went straight into a ditch. I gave him his first roll of duct tape that day. He was always getting into trouble, but he always had a good heart, always. We're here tonight because my goofball son because he decided to drag Scott, his greatest friend in the world, into the woods to see a dead body.


Don't worry Daddy. I won't let anything happen to you. Ever again.
