17 Ways Jim and Barbara's Love on Gotham Is the Most Epic Ever!

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The most epic thing happened between Barbara Kean and Jim Gordon on Gotham Season 5 Episode 4.

They rekindled their romance in the most passionate of ways! 

The two former lovebirds have always been meant for each other.

Despite Jim's long-standing romance with Lee and Barbara's love affair with Tabitha, neither have gotten over their failed romance.

Related: 17 Times Barbara Kean Knocked Us Out with her Style

It's one that never should have ended in the first place, but that's just how the ball rolled in their crazy world.

Babs and Jim's newfound romance (or night of passion, if you will) shouldn't have surprised anyone!

Epic love never fades away, and we have the reasons for you below!

When you're finished drooling over all these hot moments between Jim and Babs, you can watch Gotham online to see how each of these moments developed.

1. Jim and Babs Forever

It was a moment of weakness for Jim, but it was a long time coming. He finally gave into his feelings and desires. Bad girl or not, Barbara had helped Jim numerous times with many cases and on the worst few days of his life, she remained by his side. Jim and Babs forever!! As it should be.

2. The Beginning

In the beginning of the series, Jim and Barbara were engaged. It was true love, but Jim put Barbara in danger and she needed her space and left Gotham. He was glad she was out of danger, but the love he had for her never went away.

3. Jim's Best Ally

Barbara wanted to show Jim she was on his side and helped him during his investigation into the Wayne murders. She helped him get into an all-female club so he could confront "The Lady" and while it at first seemed she tricked him, she ended saving him in the end. He was surprised but still didn't fully trust her because he was still blinded by his love for Lee.

4. Hurt Feelings

After helping Jim with "The Lady," Babs thought her and Jim could go back to the way it used to be but Jim had no interest in that. At least not yet. It crushed her, but she never stopped loving him. And after that, Jim knew he could count on Barbara as an ally as needed.

5. The Competition

Lee always knew that Jim still had deep feelings for Barbara and it bugged her to no end. She even went so far as to make sure Barbara knew Jim was hers -- while Barbara was in a coma!!! If that isn't insecurity, we don't know what is!

6. Deep Desires

When Jervis Tetch blew Red Queen dust in Jim's face and caused him to have major hallucinations, it wasn't Lee that Jim's subconscious mind chose to guide him on his journey, but Barbara. She meant more to him that he even realized.

7. Like the Back of Her Hand

Barbara knows Jim so well that she was the one who figured out that this Jim Gordon wasn't Jim at all, but Clayface. It was a beautiful when he called her gorgeous and told he and Lee were over, but Barbara knew something wasn't right. She wanted to be Jim's number one, but she wanted the real Jim, not the fake one.

8. Electricity in the Air

Sparks flew when Jim sought Barbara's help finding Jervis Tetch. That touch was magic and gave Babs hope there was still something between them. At this point though, he still hadn't come to terms with his feelings because he buried them deep. Yet, he couldn't stay away from her.

9. First Stop

After Barbara was released from Arkham, the first person she visited was Jim. He could have kicked her out or slammed the door in her face but instead, he invited her in. Why? Because he still cared.

10. A Kiss for Information

Once again, Jim seeks out Barbara's help. She took full advantage of the situation demanding a kiss for information. He didn't bite, but her tease clearly made him uncomfortable not because he didn't want to but because he was afraid of what would happen if he actually did kiss her.

11. Always There

Barbara has never turned Jim away even though she would have every right to if she did. She has everything Jim could ever want: smarts, beauty, and the ability to help him get his job done.

12. Protecting Her Love

Barbara was worried about Jim when he decided to go into the dark zone to save the kids even though she had given him the vehicles to get there. She didn't have to do anything, but she showed up at the right time to save Jim's ass. And he returned the favor when Tank almost shot her. The heat was always there between them, but it notched up in a major way after this.

13. See That Fire?!

Barbara knows Jim all too well. She stokes his fire and his ire in every way, but he keeps returning to her time and time again.

14. What a Tease

Barbara didn't want to hurt Jim, but she had a mission to finish. And she was pissed at him for turning his back on her. She also knew that he would follow her anywhere and his chase led to him leaving the station wide open for the ensuing massacre.

15. True Soulmates

Barbara has always known that she and Jim belonged together. They both have dark sides. They both have good sides. They're soulmates, and no matter how Lee has tried, she'll never be able to live up to Barbara.

16. Parting Words

After Barbara kidnapped Jim and Lee, Barbara tried her best to convince Lee that Jim wasn't her type of man. When the GCPD broke up the party, Babs tried to escape and fell through a window. Jim will always do the right thing (or at least try to), but he didn't have to save her from what seemed like a certain death. We can only imagine what went through his head when he saw her in the dress she was going to wear to marry him. Her love for him never wavered.

17. Good Times

Eventually, Jim and Barbara will return to this phase in their life. They were happy together once and they can be happy together again.

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Gotham Quotes

Hit me and then you kiss me.


Lucius: Who, umm, designed the uniforms?
Ms. Peabody: Do you have much training in mental health, Mr. Fox?
Lucius: None at all.