17 Ways to Mend the Broken Arrow

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With a new EP sitting at the helm, CW's Arrow is prime for a takeover on Monday nights.

If you watch Arrow online, you know they have decades of comic mythos to pull from, a great cast to utilize, and a chance to rise from the ashes of their past mistakes. If there was ever a time for a reboot that time would be now. 

So, taking into consideration the six long seasons Arrow has been on-air, I've compiled a list of things Arrow can do to get back in the superhero groove that will hopefully lead to more TV views. 

The good news is that Arrow has been the best DCTV show before and they can do so again with just a few (or 17) tweaks to the series here and there. 

1. Bring Back Robin Hood

Villans trying to blow up Star City every May makes you a bit nostalgic for the days when Oliver simply played Robin Hood and fought for the welfare of the poor against the common enemy of the rich.

There are hundreds of story-lines that would make for interesting, new arcs.

2. Cut Down on the Masks

When a hero has been in commission for a while, it's only natural he expands his team. However, there comes a point where the bunker gets a little too crowded. At this point, they're just bodies in the field.

All of these masks convolute things more than they offer solutions. To combat this, Curtis can put most of his energy into the company, Dinah Drake can become the Mayor, and Rene can become Police Commissioner.

This way, the show can better develop the Arrow world beyond the masks that fight at night.

Balance is key.

3. Siren Backstory

With a gem like Siren from a mysterious place like a different world, why would we not want to know what happened to her to make her so different from our Laurel?

It can't just be the death of a father at 13 and the loss of her Oliver at a later date. A woman is so much more than the men in her life. It would be amazing to delve into that.

There are countless intriguing stories that can stem from the secret mysterious life of a villainess.

4. Reclaim Irony and Satire

Arrow has adopted Felicity's and every other DCTV show's punny humor and has then integrated it into every episode of the show but it doesn't fit.

It's best to leave the puns to Felicity and Curtis.

The irony and satire we see in Arrow Season 1 work perfectly with Arrow's serious tone that resembles Marvel's TV universe. And plus, it's just funnier.

5. Stop Avoiding the History Between Siren and Oliver

It's weird to sell that Oliver's still recovering from Laurel's death and then have him devoid any emotion the very few times Siren and Oliver get put into a scene together.

Touching on their history and how it may or may not differ on their separate worlds is not competition for Oliver and Felicity when it's been deeply ingrained that the latter two love each other on E1.

It's exploring complexities in Oliver's personality and his interactions with others that Arrow sorely needs now that none of his friends or family from his prior life are left on the show.

There are certain facets of your personality that only people you've known since childhood can bring out of you.

6. Give Felicity a Story

If the show plans to continue to spend so much time with Felicity Smoak, we need to give her a story of her own that lasts.

In 6A, she had a plot arc, but during 6B, she was reduced to Oliver's wife and William's stepmom.

We spend a lot of this series hearing what a badass Felicity is; this means a plot surrounding her shouldn't be a hard feat to pull off, and it would engage a lot more fans.

7. Write Off William

It's hard to be hero parents where you have to constantly put your lives on the line and explain to yourself that its okay even though you'll leave a child orphaned.

Although fatherhood was a nice touch for Arrow season 6, William seems to be a floating chess piece that solely acts as a liability.

If he were sent to Samantha's extended family, we could have episodes where William visits and still have the fatherhood theme without the restrictions.

8. Develop Supporting Characters

As I said before, the bunker has gotten too crowded.

The big friction that occurred during Arrow Season 6 probably had a lot to do with the fact that Dinah Drake, Curtis, and Rene are just mirror images of Diggle, Felicity, and Oliver, in that order.

There are hardly any areas of nuance given to supporting cast that differentiate them from the main cast, and that, thereby, makes them substantially less interesting.

9. No More Revenge Tropes

Literally every season of Arrow has been driven by some revenge trope.

Either it's Oliver getting back at someone or someone getting back at Oliver. Season 6 it was Dinah getting back at Siren.

This horse is beyond dead. Let's stop beating it.

Or at the very least, let's get a season break between revenge tropes to explore the thousands of other reasons a hero might fight a villain.

10. Utilize ARGUS More

I said this in my review of Arrow Season 6 Episode 22, and I'll say this now: Arrow needs more Lyla and ARGUS in the picture.

In this way, we can get varying arcs from the miscellaneous jobs ARGUS takes on, we would get a different female presence that Lyla always brings, it would give Diggle something productive to do, and we get more amazing Diggle and Lyla scenes. It's a win-win.

11. Build Strong Character Bonds

A big issue with Arrow season 7 stems from the weak relationships they create between Mad Dog, Dinah Drake, and Echo before New Team Arrow splintered off and spent half of the season dripping with disdain for Oliver, especially when they didn't have a leg to stand on.

It's hard to connect character arcs and engage audiences through an argument between characters when there isn't much at stake if they never speak to each other again.

Not every part of a heros life is struggle and fighting. It wouldn't hurt to show a bit of the good parts. Maybe they can all go bowling?

12. Give Laurel A New Wardrobe

Okay, this may seem petty, but it bothered me. Not only do Siren's outfits look incredibly similar to Dinah Drake's outfits, but she's wearing the exact same clothes our Laurel wore.

I get how it fits the narrative last season, but now her cover is blown so there's no reason she should still wear hand-me-downs.

Let's differentiate Siren from Laurel and Dinah in more ways than one. Clothes are an expression of the character and, right now, Siren's clothes don't fit her.

13. Develop A Friendship Between Felicity and Laurel

Developing a relationship between the opposites, Laurel and Felicity, could both explore Siren's character and give Felicity her own arc. Two birds, one stone.

Their banter would be one-of-a-kind because they are so different. And, plus, Felicity needs some girlfriends.

What is she like when she's not surrounded by oppressing masculinity? What is Siren like when she finally lets loose and trusts someone?

These would be interesting ideas to develop over the course of next season.

14. Show More Hands and Fewer Guns

This has been the rallying cry for a few seasons now. And honestly, this change fixes a multitude of other issues.

Gun's are an incredibly touchy subject for a supposed "hero" group to use it so constantly. Additionally, shooting guns at people makes for a less interesting battle than fighting hand to hand.

Let's make the superheroes use more muscles than the ones on their trigger fingers again.

15. Retire the Black Canary Mantle

This is a hard one to say but it's time we retire the suit. It doesn't seem like Arrow plans on making any character worthy enough to wear it, and that's fine.

However, with the damage that has been done to this comic character and her legacy, it would be best for everyone if Black Canary retires until someone with her heart can wear it.

Dinah Drake can easily become Lady Black Hawke and that could prompt a whole new interesting story for Arrow.

16. Cut the Olicity Drama

This has also been a rallying cry for Arrow for a few seasons now.

Oliver and Felicity seem to be at odds over something every other month. Should a couple be married if they can't go a few months without a big argument?

This is escpecially the case when they consistently bring their arguments to the field. It's makes for a melodramatic element that could easily be cut and no one would miss it.

17. No More Villains with Past Vendettas

Are we going to pretend like Oliver is this much of a catastrophe walking that in 5 years he's created this huge legion of people who want to kill him or get back at him by taking over the city?

The last villain that successfully pulled off this trope was Slade in season 2. He was, coincidentally, also the first.

All these villains bring are crippling guilt for Oliver and revenge tropes that always end in more crippling guilt.

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