17 Momentous True Blood Deaths

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Check out this photo gallery for a list of momentous deaths from the first six seasons of True Blood. Which stands out the most?

1. Godric Commits Suicide

Sick of eons of being a vampire and ready to it all to end, Godric chooses to end his own life while Sookie stands by watching Eric's maker meet his.

2. Adele 'Gran' Stackhouse Murdered

Sookie and Jason were left very alone when Arlenes' boyfriend Rene turned out to be a serial killer named Drew Marshall and Gran was one of his victims.

3. Terry Bellefleur's Quasi Suicide

Terry was always a little nuts, but we hoped he'd get better with Arlene's influence. Instead, an old war buddy showed up, called upon his to atone together for past sins and he ultimately paid for someone to kill him so he could leave money to Arlene. Weird.

4. Former Queen Sophie-Anne Dies by Duel

Sophie-Anne was in debt, had to marry Russel Eddington and was even jailed briefly. Thinking bygones were bygones, she went to Bill's only to be challenged to a duel she didn't take quite seriously enough. Whoopsie!

5. Russell Eddington's True Death (Finally)

Eddington was like a cat with 9 lives. He kept being killed or almost so but only when he was high on Faerie blood did he get caught. He was almost saved by the Fae blood, but Eric's stake ended his thousand years of waiting for vengeance.

6. Rene/Drew Death by Shovel

For most of the first season Rene seemed only Arlene's sweet boyfriend. It was revealed he was a vicious (human) serial killer and Sookie got to take him out in human fashion, by shovel to the neck.

7. Nora Dies via Hep-V

Eric's "sister" was a religious vampire fed Hep-V by the authority. She refused to take any of Lilith's blood to possibly save her in tribute to her beliefs. She died in Eric's arms.

8. Roslyn Harris Gets Flied

Roslyn was a pesky member of the Vampire Authority, but kind of fun. Roslyn got on a lot of people's nerves and Sam entered her in the form of a fly and burst out in human form, killing her. Awesome.

9. Nan Flanagan Staked for Crimes Against Sookie

Nan Flanagan was a bitch. As the face of the American Vampire League she was probably the best known vampire in the U.S. That didn't stop Bill staking her for threatening to "out" Sookie's fae lineage.

10. Maryann Gored by Sam the Bull

Was there anyone who didn't jump up and applaud the end of Maryann's reign? Shapeshifting Sam joined her celebration in the form of a bull and took her out. Yay!

11. Steve Newlin Loved Jason Stackhouse!

What a character! First Newlin was married, anti-vampire and running a camp for fellow believers. He was turned and a new face of the American Vampire League, but his ex never followed suit. He wound falling "in love" with Jason, so much so those were his last words as he met death by sunlight thanks to Eric -- a death Sarah watched stunned at his last words so that she screamed in anger. Fun stuff!

12. Molly Dies Ironically

Molly was working with the Vampire Authority and created the iStake -- a wonderful contraption that didn't work. They have her time to fix her mistake and Bill later uses it on her when she refuses to worship Lilith.

13. Lorena Spills All Over Bill

Bill's maker tried to steal him from Sookie and was damn near able. In the end? Sookie tells her "I'm the bitch that's gonna kill you" and a minute later her dream came true. Gooey.

14. Governor Burrell Lost his Head

Truman got himself caught up with Sarah Newlin and that's never a good thing. His daughter Willa was turned into a vamp; first he supported her and then turned on her. While questioning Truman about Vamp Camp, Bill bit off his head. Good riddance to bad government.

15. Warlow Gets a Stake Sandwich

An old faerie restrained a thousands years old vampire with a big vendetta against the Stackhouse family so Jason could stake him before he took Sookie. Go figure.

16. Tommy Mickens Death by Werewolf Pack Maul

Thinking Tommy was Sam (shifter brothers!), the wolves beat him senseless for interfering in pack biz, but he shifted back to himself mid-maul. He refused V to save his life, and let Sam know how much it meant to finally have the brother he grew up without.

17. Marnie the Witch Gunned Down

Let's be honest, this was another of those plots that just didn't work. An annoying witch trying to kill our heroes? I think not. In a bizarre SWAT-like standoff (with Vamps as SWAT) Marnie was thankfully put out of her misery. Abandoned by her followers and viewers.

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True Blood Quotes

Pam: Thanks for the suggestion but we prefer to do things the old fashioned way.
Elijah: Yeah you and Blockbuster Video.

Your bedtime will be 4 a.m., not a minute later... We also recycle in this house.


True Blood Music

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Good Behaviour Powersolo iTunes
Pistol Whip Me Acumen Nation iTunes
Crazed Country Rebel Hank Williams III iTunes