14 Characters Who Might Have a (Coffee) Drinking Problem

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Did you know that March is Caffeine Awareness Month?

Here at TV Fanatic we thought we'd promote awareness with a few TV characters who are definitely addicted to the stuff.

Hey, we get it. Sometimes you just need that daily cup of joe...or four.

So pour yourself a steaming cup and check out our slideshow of characters who probably don't need any more.

1. The Whole Gang - Friends

These six friends spend more time sipping coffee at Central Perk than anywhere else, including their own jobs. It's no wonder that couch is always available for them, they never vacate it! They're single handedly keeping Gunther in business.

2. Castle and Beckett - Castle

How many cups of coffee do you suppose Beckett owes Castle at this point? Their whole relationship basically began with him bringing her coffee every day. He even bought the precinct their very own fancy espresso maker, which we have seen put to use on several occasions.

3. Lorelai - Gilmore Girls

Lorelai basically doesn't know how to function without coffee. She'll take it anyway she can get it, at any time, for any reason. If you come with coffee, you might just become her new best friend. If the way to man's heart is through his stomach, the way to Lorelai's is through her caffeine addiction.

4. The Town of Pawnee - Parks and Recreation

Coffee is not the only form of caffeine, and the citizens of Pawnee love their insanely giant-sized sodas. Parks and Rec fans know the answer to the question Leslie is asking in this gif - "well, it's roughly the size of a two-year old child, if the child were liquefied."

5. Fry - Futurama

When every citizen receives a $300 tax rebate, Fry uses it to buy and drink 100 cups of coffee. The result of the massive dose of caffiene is super-speed, which actually comes in handy as he's able to use the burst of speed to rescue everyone from a burning building.

6. Kenneth - 30 Rock

Kenneth has his buddy Tracy Jordan to blame for his caffeine addiction. Kenneth didn't drink coffee, or any other hot liquids, claiming "that's the devil's temperature." But all that changed when Tracy bought a coffee machine and deposited it on Kenneth's desk.

7. Captain Janeway - Star Trek: Voyager

According to Captain Janeway, coffee is "the finest organic suspension ever devised." She'll go out of her way to get it, and you don't try to talk to her before she's had her coffee.

8. Gibbs - NCIS

Gibbs takes his coffee very seriously, so much so, that he brings his own rather than drink the stuff brewed at NCIS. Ziva once theorized that the color of Gibbs guts would be "more brown than red." Don't accidentally drink or spill it either, as a security officer once warned, "never mess with a Marine's coffee!"

9. Jack - Will and Grace

When Jack develops a crush on a guy who works at a coffee shop, he unsurprisingly develops a coffee addiction. Karen offers to help, but the temptation is pretty heavy when they attend a commitment ceremony complete with a coffee bar.

10. Jane - Rizzoli and Isles

Who wouldn't have trouble sleeping after all that Jane has been through? The tough detective relies on coffee to get her through each case, because, let's face it, she is pretty much always sleep deprived.

11. Nancy - Weeds

Nancy is rarely seen without a cup of iced coffee clutched in her hand. She might deal marijuana, but caffeine is the substance of her addiction.

12. Frasier and Niles - Frasier

Like the Friends gang, Frasier and his brother Niles spent a lot of time at their favorite coffee shop, Cafe Nervosa. It makes sense since the series was set in Seattle. Some very important moments and conversations took place over a cup of coffee there.

13. Giles - Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Tea has caffeine too, and Giles is the first to offer to get a pot going. It's safe to say he's addicted to the soothing qualities it provides, and he really hates coffee. However, if he needs to be tense, it'll do.

14. Dale - Twin Peaks

While others on this list will take coffee any way they can get it, Dale is a little bit of a coffee snob. He likes it black and piping hot, and he's not afraid to let you know when you brew it just right.

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Friends, Castle, Gilmore Girls, Parks and Recreation, Futurama, 30 Rock, NCIS, Rizzoli & Isles, Weeds, Buffy the Vampire Slayer
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Friends Quotes

Ross: (Looking at a picture) When did you and Susan meet Huey Lewis?
Carol: That's our friend Tanya

Phoebe: (About Ross bringing luggage) How long did you think this barbecue was gonna last?
Ross: I'm going to China.
Phoebe: Jeez, you say one thing, and...
Monica: You're going to China?
Ross: (Not wanting to get into it) It's for the museum. Someone found a bone. We want the bone. They don't want us to have the bone. I'm going to try to persuade them to give us the bone. It's a whole big bone thing.