13 Things We'd Like to See on The Flash Season 3

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We're a week away from San Diego Comic Con...the grandaddy of them all.

That means there will be more news than ever about the fall shows, and we're sure to be bombarded with what are now tightly held secrets about The Flash Season 3.

Before we find out what's actually ahead on the upcoming season, we're spilling a bit of our wish list.

Let us know what's on yours!

1. Barry Gets to Know the REAL Jay Garrick

With seasons behind us featuring a part time dad due to circumstances beyond their control (mostly), and too much time spent on a serial killer posing as the REAL Jay Garrick, we seriously hope there is an opportunity for Barry to get to know the man who looks so much like his father, to get the advice he didn't from Hunter and become great, Flash-y friends with an actual experienced (and heroic) speedster.

2. Barry Learns a Lesson from Flashpoint

There's nobody who wants Barry to walk away from whatever happens with Flashpoint unscathed. He needs a good scathing so he NEVER DOES THIS AGAIN. No more time travel for Barry. No more working on his own. He has to start thinking of the greater good. Pushing Iris away after wanting her more than anything was bad enough. Changing the past? I'm not sure there's a word for that. Time to grow up.

3. A Tina McGee/Jay Garrick Romance

You know what? The powers that be don't get to fool with our 1990 hearts, putting Tina McGee and Henry Allen together just moments before his death. Let's get her together with Jay Garrick. Let's get her in on The Flash action, both romantically and in a way she can help the team more than once every few months.

4. The New CI is Not the Same as Barry

Whether Tom Felton's new character, new CCPD CI Julian Dorn, is a product of Flashpoint or something else, let's not have him be a practical Barry doppelganger. It would be very cool to see him playing a character a bit more rugged than Barry plays things to give our speedster something to think about. Plus, look at Felton's pic above. See? Scruffy is better.

5. Everyone Has and Uses their Powers During Flashpoint

Now that all the doppelgangers are killed off, can we play with their powers a bit more while Barry has things messed up? It would be great if Caitlin was a good version of Killer Frost. Who says sexy has to be wicked? How about wickedly awesome, so that if she does eventually get some activity going on after Flashpoint is fixed, Barry can tell her to embrace it.

6. Leonard Snart Embraces his Good Side

Even though Snart is only alive because he was in an area time forgot (or something), can he please embrace his good side? For some reason, we imagine him spending more time in Central City than anywhere else, if only because it was his home. He has a begruding respect for Barry, and that might be enough to get him to teeter on the edge of choosing good whether he's on the Waverider or not.

7. Kid Flash Lives Up to our Expectations

Wally West is getting his start pretty early. We've barely gotten to know him, yet he's already going to be the heroic Kid Flash. We really hope he lives up to our lofty expectations (he's Joe's son, after all!). And maybe gets a helmet. It's hard not to be worried about his cranium. Seriously. We want him safe as well as fast.

8. A Black Siren Return Engagement

Yes, we'd still like to see a return engagement of the character who showed a lot of potential badassery when she visited Central City from Earth-2 to help Hunter Zolomon take over the world. While we can't give her any credit for teaming up with that jerk, we can for asking him the right questions and seeming to be an intelligent villain. Come back!

9. For this Black Suited Speedster to Be Someone Awesome!

Thanks to all the paparazzi floating around the sets in Canada, there is photographic evidence of a new speedster. This one wears black, runs with or against Kid Flash and is played by none other than Todd Lasance (Julian from The Vampire Diaries!). When he pulls off that hood, he looks like he's having a grand ol' time. So who is he? Best guess is Daniel West from the costume and timing of Kid Flash, but it's hard to imagine how he'll fit into the family tree.

10. A Harry Wells/Malcolm Merlyn Verbal Smackdown

Now that Malcolm Merlyn is taking over The CW, hopping from DC series to DC series, we can't think of a better person for him to engage other than Harry Wells. The two are both smart, cynical and badass (we love that word). It's about damn time, if Merlyn is sticking around, to get them into a vocal smackdown. Harry would win, but Malcolm would think he won, so it'd come out a tie!

11. More Downtime and Good Times

It's really important for the team to bond. We need more of them getting to know each other. Remembering they are a team who have each other's backs always. While it's nice to see them all gathering for special dinners at the West's, it's nothing in comparison to grabbing a table at Jitters, going bowling or heading to a club for Cisco to take his groove thing onto the dance floor.

12. Cisco Comes into his Own

Before, during and after Flashpoint, we really hope Cisco gets a handle on his powers and has a lot more to do with catching villains. Sometimes it seems like more energy is spent bringing up new and exciting speedsters instead of remembering we have a team of people who work their arses off in the Lab who already have enough skills and knowledge to be a powerful team member, PLUS the uptick of meta powers. More Cisco. Alway. More Cisco.

13. All Time Travel Remains on the Waverider

The truth of the matter is that Barry knows where he can do time travel safely if he needs to, because half the characters on the Waverider on DC's Legends of Tomorrow came from Central City. In fact, Dr. Stein was once a fixture at STAR Labs, and it's doubtful he'd balk at helping The Flash. Since we're making it a rule Barry has to lay off time travel by way of the Speed Force, let's allow him and other Flash team members to buy tickets on the Waverider. It always seems there are extra seats available on the "bridge" or whatever.

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The Flash Quotes

Ramsey: You know, I don't understand you Barry. You march towards death without fear, just like mum. Where is it you get your strength?
Barry: Probably the same place she did, people I love.

Admission here is so easy.

Killer Frost