13 Most Shocking Twists in Vampire Diaries History

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The Vampire Diaries has had some crazy twists over the years. 

Have a look below at the ones that took our breath away the hardest. Which was the most bat $hit crazy of all-time in your opinion?

1. Vicki Dies

Vicki was shockingly killed off when it became clear she could not cut it as a vampire. After trying to kill several people, Stefan took it upon himself to kill her.

2. Katherine and Elena are Doppelgangers

How crazy was the twist that Katherine and Elena were doppelgangers? It really set the show aside from the other vampire dramas. It's just a shame the plot was overused.

3. Empty Tomb

Remember the hype surrounding Katherine showing up in Mystic Falls? Damon was ecstatic to get his love, but she was not in the tomb. It was a great twist because it helped viewers feel sorry for Damon.

4. Who Are the Parents?

Like viewers, Elena was shocked to the core when she discovered that John was actually her father and Isobel was her mother.

5. Mason & Katherine For Life?

With Katherine still a new character, it was a shock to learn that she was actually in cahoots with Uncle Mason. It's just a shame he was killed off so quickly.

6. Klaus Kills Jenna

After Jenna was turned into a vampire, it was only a matter of time before she died and Klaus was only happy to kill her.

7. Kai Reveals the Truth

The whole internet went crazy when it was revealed that Katherine had been promoted to the Queen of Hell. It was one of the best twists for the series and brought it all full circle.

8. Caroline Is Pregnant!

Caroline being pregnant with Jo and Alaric's babies was an amazing way to advance the Gemini Coven plot.

9. Elena Becomes a Vampire

It was inevitable that Elena would become a vampire, but having at happen at the end of Season 3 was a little premature. It was definitely a plot that could have happened later.

10. Stefan Kills Enzo

Stefan killing Enzo was one of the most shocking twists of the entire series. Bonnie giving Stefan the cure in the aftermath was well deserved. It ruined his future with Caroline.

11. Prison World Fun

When The Other Side collapsed, Damon and Bonnie became trapped in an early 1990s version of Mystic Falls with Kai. It's part of the reason why Bonnie and Damon are such good friends now.

12. Anchor

Bonnie becoming the anchor created a new and exciting storyline for Bon-Bon, but it also showed just how much the powers that be hated the character.

13. Katherine Goes to Hell

Katherine's crossover was different for the series. She was sent somewhere else. That place was later revealed to be hell.

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Vampire Diaries Quotes

Damon: I mean this sincerely: I hope Elena dies.

Oooh, you know I don't know. Every time we try and go on a date you get kidnapped, I get sent to a prison world, or your feelings get compelled away...
