13 Most Heartbreaking Moments From Nashville Season 5

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Brace yourself, there is a lot of pain in this post.

Nashville Season 5 gave us break ups, deaths, betrayals, and crime. These are things people deal with every day, and yet, they are some of the very worst experiences a person can deal with in his or her lifetime.

Nashville Season 5 tugged at our heart strings, sometimes yanking them right out of our chest. If you can handle it, read on, and re-live the most emotional moments of this past season.

Don't forget to share your thoughts in the comments. What do you think was the saddest moment of season 5?

If you've missed any of these amazing moments, you can watch Nashville online to ensure you see every heartbreaking scene.


1. Rayna's Death

This is one of the most heartbreaking moments in the show's history so, of course, it had to be number one. Fans were shocked when Rayna died in Nashville Season 5 Episode 9. While she was able to survive an obsessive stalker, she couldn't overcome the car accident that happened just minutes later. Her family and friends gathered around her bedside to say tearful good byes to Nashville's Queen of Country.

2. Scarlett Loses Her Baby

As painful as losing a mother or wife can be, in my opinion, losing a child is worse because you're not only losing someone you love, you're losing someone that never even got a chance to experience that love or life. Scarlett will never get to hold her baby, to see her smile, or hear her laugh. She will forever wonder if she did something wrong and struggle with blame thinking she failed to keep her baby safe. She will always wonder if there was something she could have done differently; mentally torturing herself with what if's, and while Deacon, Maddie and Daphne will most likely do the same, at least they have countless memories of Rayna to ease the pain and provide some comfort.

3. Bucky's Goodbye

Bucky has been a regular on Nashville since season 1. More importantly, he's been in Rayna's corner, supporting her unconditionally, from the beginning. So to see him get pushed out shortly after her death was incredibly sad. Bucky was family; everyone knew that, but Zack. He briefly returned two episodes later to advise Maddie on her single, so maybe there's hope for him yet. Only time will tell. Until then, thanks for the memories!

4. Gunnar & Scarlett Are Mugged

With everything that happened in Nashville Season 5, this was one of the things that surprised me the most. I know crime is random and senseless; perhaps that's why it feels so out of place. After Scarlett and Gunnar were held at gunpoint and robbed, they each responded with physiciality. Scarlett took a self-defense course and Gunnar beat the crap out of the kid that robbed them. Both routes seemed to aid in releasing anger and frustration and put the characters on the path to recovery.

5. Jessie's Backstory

Once upon a time, Jessie Caine was a star country singer married to another star country singer raising a blonde hair, blue eyed little boy. Somewhere along the way she suffered a down fall complete with adultery, divorce, and banishment. Now, she has returned to Nashville to redeem herself and regain custody of her son, Jake. But it won't be easy. Her ex-husband is manipulative, power-hungry and will stop at nothing to maintain his control over her. Still, she's standing up to him, and doing her best to protect her son. I'm excited to see more of her redemption in season 6.

6. Daphne's Homeless Friend, Liv

Daphne made friends with a young girl named Liv. Liv was homeless and stayed with other homeless people in an abandoned warehouse. To see a young girl with no home or family was incredibly sad. The fact that it is probably very true to life just makes it worse. Homelessness is a serious problem. Too often people forget that kids suffer from it as well. I appreciate Nashville for shedding light on this issue, but I don't like the way it was so quickly resolved. While it's nice that Liv was taken in by a foster family, I don't think this is a realistic outcome for most homeless people. The issue was further cheated by the fact that it's outcome was barely mentioned by Deacon during a phone call that was actually about something else completely.

7. Will & Kevin Break Up

Will and Kevin were adorable. There is no denying it; just look at that gif. Kevin always encouraged Will to be true to himself and come out publicly. He never forced him to do it but supported him when he finally felt he was ready. He was committed to spending his life with Will. The only problem was, Will wasn't ready to settle down. Or so we thought. Unfortunately, for Kevin.. and Will... and the fans, to be completely honest, Will almost immediately started dating Zack. Personally, I'm hoping the break up we saw in the finale sticks!

8. Rayna's Stalker

For the first half of season 5, Rayna had a stalker. Nashville tried to trick us by making numerous individuals seem suspicious -- Zack, Randall, Carl. In the end it was Wayne, also know as Carl, who confronted Rayna at Highway 65 with a knife. He tried to make her understand that he didn't want to do the things he did but he had a bad childhood; his father abused him. Rayna calmly explained that everyone has struggles, but it's how you react to them and who you choose to be after that matters. In the end, Rayna got him to put down his knife but not before he held it to her throat. It was arguably the most intense scene of the season.

9. Gunnar Is Not The Father

Gunnar was never over the moon about Scarlett's pregnancy. It wasn't that he didn't want to be a father, it was that there was a significant chance that Damien was the father. Eventually those fears were confirmed, but not before Gunnar started reading up on what to expect when you're expecting. Even after the news, Gunnar was committed to Scarlett and wanted to help her raise the baby. When she lost it, it was clear that Gunnar felt like he lost something too.

10. Juliette Steals Maddie's Song

Ok, this one is obviously not as heartbreaking as some of the others on this list, but think about where these two characters were in their lives when this went down. Maddie was still reeling from her mom's death and in need of major support. Her and Juliette had always been close, so it was natural for Juliette to swoop in and offer to help her. In turn, it was natural for Maddie to trust Juliette and sincerely believe she had her best interests at heart. Juliette was going through her own stuff too. She was recovering from the plane crash, exploring faith for the first time. and searching for the road to redempion. When she stole the song from Maddie -- not only a client but someone she personally cared about -- it was a HUGE step back to the selfish, dishonest person she used to be. For Maddie, it was a reminder that she had one less person she could depend on.

11. Clay & Maddie Break Up

Maddie's relationship with Clay showed that she was ready to grow up, and for the first time, willing to do the work to get there. The fact that he was older and of a different race only made things harder for them. Unfortunately, it was all too much -- the stress, the publicity, the judgment -- they fought to stay together, but in the end, they had to say good bye.

12. Juliette & Hallie Falling Out

The two started out in such a special place; Hallie found Juliette after the plane crash and helped keep her alive and conscious until the ambulance arrived. Juliette was more grateful than she's ever been. She thought Hallie was an angel and even started going to church. When Hallie got a recording contract, Juliette supported her 100%, but when Avery stepped in to produce it, things changed. It's not that Hallie did anything wrong -- although, the fact that she was already hooking up with a married man didn't help her -- Juliette's jealouy was mostly fueled by her insecurities. Still, their friendship was never the same. In fact, Hallie basically disappeared after that.

13. Scarlett & Gunnar Break Up... Again

It is always sad when two people who love each other part ways; however, it gets less sympathetic when they do it over and over and over again. At some point you start to wonder, do they really belong together or are they just stuck in this endless cycle? Are they just going back to what they know, instead what's good or right for them? In Gunnar and Scarlett's case, I do actually think they're right for each other. I just think they're both a little clueless about how to make a relationship work. I'm hoping Avery, Will and Deacon can help guide them because it would be a shame if they didn't end up together.

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Nashville Quotes

Daphne: You wanted us to be taken more seriously, and I was just trying to-
Maddie: To look ridiculous?

Marshall: It's not a request.
Rayna: Well I don't take orders.