13 Memorable Moments from The Vampire Diaries Season 5

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The Vampire Diaries Season 5 has come and gone. Relive the best moments from the past 22 episodes now.

1. Jeremy Nearly Dies

Don't you die on me, Jeremy! Damon did not react well when he nearly lost Elena's brother.

2. Katherine Gets a Cold

Katherine Pierce was able to handle a lot on The Vampire Diaries. But a cold was nearly her undoing.

3. Bonnie's Funeral

Will there be another funeral for Bonnie on The Vampire Diaries Season 6? Stay tuned.

4. Silas at the Bus Stop

Rest in peace, Silas. We hope they have a few bus stops wherever the heck you are now.

5. The End of Taroline

It's the end of Caroline and Tyler. This was a major moment on The Vampire Diaries Season 5.

6. More Delena Sex

Delena sex alert! These two got it on a couple times on The Vampire Diaries Season 5.

7. Rebekah Saves Matt

Rebekah to the rescue! She's good for more than just taking care of hybrid babies.

8. Three Doppelgangers. One Room.

It's Doppelganger madness! That would sort of sum up Season 5 as a whole.

9. Sex in the Woods!

Klaus and Caroline sex alert! Klaus and Caroline sex alert!

10. The Death of Katherine Piece

Rest in peace, Katherine Piece. Or try to, based on where you ended up after this scene.

11. Stefan Dies

Yes, he came back to life. But try telling that to Caroline in this Vampire Diaries scene.

12. Alaric Lives!

He's back, folks. Alaric made his return to the land of the living on the Season 5 finale.

13. Damon Says Goodbye

Damon says goodbye to Elena in this Vampire Diaries finale scene. Where are our tissues?!?

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Vampire Diaries Quotes

Damon: I mean this sincerely: I hope Elena dies.

Oooh, you know I don't know. Every time we try and go on a date you get kidnapped, I get sent to a prison world, or your feelings get compelled away...
