12 Truly Terrible Grey's Anatomy Tragedies

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Tragedy strikes Grey's Anatomy quite often. So much so that even the 11 worst leave out some notable ones, but these are the events that truly scarred us.

12. Arizona's Miscarriage

Arizona and Callie had already survived the car crash, the plane crash and all the drama that came with them? Then Arizona and Callie got Arizona pregnant and things were starting to look up, only for her to suffer a miscarriage. It was devastating.

11. Shane Kills Heather ... and Alex's Dad

Shane's victims get the two-for-one treatment here. Already knowing it's pretty much his fault that Heather died after he sent her to find Richard and she was electrocuted during the perfect storm, Shane goes through PTSD because of her death, takes on way too many shifts in the hospital and ends up losing Alex's dad in surgery because of a mistake he made.

10. Meredith Drowns

Yes, she pulled through, but Meredith drowning following the ferry boat crash near the end of Grey's Anatomy Season 3 was tragic on many levels. Namely, seeing our heroine's skin turn blue as she faded into the great beyond, and knowing that she was seemingly depressed and giving up on life ... but also that the show made a serious plot utterly ridiculous by bringing back Denny and the bomb squad guy into the afterlife scene.

9. Cristina's Miscarriage

When Cristina suffered a miscarriage in Season 2, no one even knew she pregnant with Burke's baby. Moreover, no one knew how to comfort or help the steely, serious intern who never let her guard down ... until she did. Such outpouring of emotion and a masterful performance by Sandra Oh at a crucial point in the character's evolution made the miscarriage storyline doubly powerful.

8. Burke is Shot

In part two of the three-part Season 2 finale, seconds after Izzie decided to cut Denny's LVAD wire and force him to the top of the transplant list, Dr. Preston Burke was shot, leaving him unable to do the surgery and leaving his own life in the balance. Burke survived, but Isaiah Washington's character sustained damage that left his surgical future in doubt, and in Season 3, things were never the same - for the character, the show, or the actor.

7. Izzie Gets Cancer

Izzie Stevens became stricken with cancer near the end of Season 5, with the situation so dire that she married Alex in what was to be a farewell of sorts. She pulled through at the end of the season, just as she and George briefly met in the afterlife/elevator, but she was never the same, and soon enough, off the series due to Katherine Heigl's personal issues with the show.

6. We Have. A Code. Black.

In Season 2, Meredith held a live bazooka shell in her hands - and inside a patient - and as a result, held the lives of everyone in the hospital in the balance. Just when it appeared all would end well after the bombshell episode - pun intended - Kyle Chandler's bomb squad character was turned into pink mist.

5. Denny Duquette Dies

The Season 2 finale saw the demise of Denny Duquette (who later returned as a ghost who enjoyed sexual relations with Izzie, which we would prefer not to get into), with far-reaching implications. The charming and tragic patient who won hearts all over the hospital, yet could not keep one beating inside of him, succumbed despite Izzie's best efforts to beat the system and secure a transplant.

4. George O'Malley Dies

The Samaritan that jumped in front of a bus to save a life at the end of Season 5 and paid for it with his own was not just a random person. John Doe was one of the doctors' own, George O'Malley, who had just joined the army, and even more tragically, the doctors only realized who he was hours later, and could do nothing to save him.

3. The Shooter

Gary Clark, who lost his wife after Derek failed to save her in surgery, decided he needed payback after she was taken off life support ... so he decided to take the doctors' lives, one by one. He brought a gun inside and started shooting anyone and everyone he sees. Reed and Charles die, Alex and Derek are injured Meredith has miscarriage due to the stress. The Season 6 finale was easily one of the most traumatizing episodes of any show ever.

2. The Plane Crash

If there's one thing that could top surviving a madman's shooting rampage, it's surviving an actual plane crash, which went down at the end of Season 8. Not that everyone did survive it. Meredith, Derek, Cristina, Arizona, Mark and Lexie all survived, initially, in the woods. Lexie and Mark eventually passed away as a result of their injuries, while Arizona's leg was amputated, Derek's hand was crushed, and everyone was likely scarred for life.

1. Down Goes Derek

They what???? They killed off Derek via an 18-wheeler crashing into him???? Darn you, Shonda.

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It's a beautiful day to save lives.


Bailey: Are you a doctor?
Patient's father: No, a malpractice attorney.