11 Times Hanna Marin Made Us Chuckle

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Put her in any situation and we'd most certainly be chuckling. 

Hanna Marin is played flawlessly by Ashley Benson and we can't quite believe we're almost through with Pretty Little Liars Season 6

Considering the subject matter of the show, Hanna brightens it up considerably and it's made me realize that every show needs a Hanna. AMIRIGHT?

Have a look through our gallery of Hanna's best lines. You know you want to!


1. When She and the Other Liars found A's Lair

When she and the other liars found as lair

Hanna: Did we just walk inside A's brain?
Spencer: Yeah, Hanna, I think we did.

This one was subtle, but very effective. We had no clue who the frack the real A was here, but we found out shortly after.

2. That Time She Showed Us How Witty She Can Be

That time she showed us how witty she can be

Last we talked about college I was 12-years-old and obsessed with doughnuts! You'd never even heard of Kate.

Yes, Hanna was packing a few extra pounds in her hefty Hanna days, but that doesn't mean she can't joke about it.

3. Hanna Telling Grunwald How It Is

Hanna telling grunwald how it is

Grunwald: How do you live in such a psychically constipated environment.
Hanna: I eat a lot of fiber.

This really was one of her best. Grunwald was trying to help out with who was really buried because she's psychic and all, but Hanna succeeded in throwing zingers at her.

4. Jail Time Jokes

Jail time jokes

Since I can spend the rest of my life in an orange jumpsuit, I think that I get the final say here.

Remember back when Hanna was banged up with Ali? Yeah, she was still funny!

5. Talking About the Never Ending Threats

Talking about the never ending threats

Hanna: Ok, I'm pretty sure Emily's mom is not one of Mona's secret ninjas. Are we supposed to be suspicious of everyone now?
Alison: Saves time.

Yes, Hanna and Ali may not always get along, but the two of them are pretty funny when paired up.

6. Chasing A Suspects

Chasing a suspects

Emily: Follow him!
Hanna: No you follow him! I have to change my underwear!

This one was one was on point. We were all so intrigued to see if they were on to something and then Hanna lets this one rip.

7. She Doesn't Part With Food

She doesnt part with food

Aria: Ok, you really need to eat something. Hanna, give her your cookie.
Hanna: You give her your cookie, I'm hungry.

Yes, the show has a Hanna not caring about people think. I wouldn't give away my cookie, either.

8. Speaking About Shana... Remember Her?

Speaking about shana remember her

Hanna: Shana has too many faces to trust. I've been keeping count and I'm running out fingers.
Aria: Well, I've got a finger you can use. It's not the nice kind.

She hit the nail on the head with this one, right? We could never quite tell what team Shana was on, but in the end, she wound up dead, thanks to a gun toting Aria.

9. When Cece Kept Escaping

When cece kept escaping

That bitch has nine lives.

Hanna (on CeCe)
It's crazy to think that back when she said this, they had no clue she was A. But, yes. Cece did seem to find her way out of every crazy situation she found herself in.

10. Hanna and Spencer Chatting All Things Cece

Hanna and spencer chatting all things cece

Spencer (on CeCe): You're not just going to find her folding peasant skirts at the Diva Dish right now.
Hanna: Well then I'll search every hipster boutique until I find her.

I couldn't miss this one out. I wonder if she still thinks Cece is a hipster right about now?

11. Talking About Spencer's Trip To Radley

Talking about spencers trip to radley

Aria: Spencer went in there at rock bottom and she came out like a shiny new penny.
Hanna: Are you thinking shock treatment?

Spencer went to Radley and it made her all better. Shouldn't everyone on the show like go there? Will it be open for business five years later?

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Fine, but we should go talk to Ezra. If he has any information on Varjak, we need to know.


Mona is five feet
of insidious snark with a side ponytail,
and I just -- I wanna grab it, and I wanna yank it really, really hard.
