11 Times Captain Swan Gave Us All the Feels

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Once upon a time, Snow White fell in love with Prince Charming, and blah, blah, blah.

Everyone knows that story.

This list is about Snow White and Prince Charming's daughter, Emma Swan, and her own epic love story with none other than Captain Hook, AKA Killian Jones.

While many love stories on Once Upon a Time are old hat to fairytale buffs, the story of Emma and Killian is new and exciting, a rollercoaster ride that's full of twists and turns that we can't see coming...because there's never been anything like it in a fairytale book before.

From the very first meeting to the very first kiss, Emma and Killian have been making viewers swoon endlessly each and every season of their union.

Is it because they're sexy? Maybe. Could it be because they're always in some sort of exciting danger? Probably, a little.

Mostly it's because Emma and Killian, better known to fans as Captain Swan, just know how to hit us right in the heart, and give us endless amounts of “the feels.”

Here, in no particular order, are some of our favorite Captain Swan moments to hold you over until Once Upon a Time makes its return on September 25!

1. The First Kiss

We wanted Emma to give in to Killian's flirtations more than we've ever wanted anything to ever happen on Once Upon a Time. After he saved Charming's life, she finally did. Forget whether or not they could...it was all of us that couldn't handle it.

2. The First Date

Killian showed up for their date as the perfect suitor...he even had two hands, thanks to a little bit of magic. (Just call him 'Captain Hand.') Though the evening doesn't totally go as planned, he gives her his jacket, walks her home, and asks her for a second date, which she accepts.

3. Hook Trades His Ship for Emma

He sailed his ship to New York to get to Emma before the reignited curse. The thing is, in order to travel between worlds Hook needed a magic bean. He traded the Jolly Roger for that bean...and Emma realized just how much she meant to him.

4. It's My Job to Protect Your Heart

Killian takes Emma to the water to see the horizon in hopes that it will calm her uneasy heart after a strain between her and the Charmings. Over a bottle of rum, Killian gives Emma just the right pep talk. After all, it is his job to protect her heart. Commence swooning.

5. It's You

Killian is worried about losing his happy ending, despite the fact that he isn't a villain any longer. Emma can't believe that Killian has even found his happy ending, and asks him to tell her what it is. He's surprised that Emma doesn't already know that she, in fact, is his happy ending. We cried all of the tears.

6. I Can't Lose You

Emma is pulling away from Killian, and he doesn't understand why. When he confronts her about her lack of trust in him, she drops a different revelation in his lap. Everyone she's ever loved is dead. She can't lose him, as well. He promises her that she doesn't need to worry about him because, of course, he's a survivor. Passionate kisses in the street are the best kisses.

7. Emma Says “I Love You” Before Going Dark

Emma is a hero. To stop Regina from being overtaken by the Darkness, Emma sacrifices herself, but not before telling her friends and family that she has faith that they can save her afterward. Killian tries to stop her, but after she tells him that she loves him, he knows there is no way to stop her.

8. Emma Says “I Love You” When There Isn't Any Danger

After a whirlwind season of chaos for Emma and Killian, everything finally seemed calm, which prompted Emma to finally say “I love you,” to her guy without any dangerous circumstances between them. Sometimes the everyday “I love you,” means the most.

9. Prince Charles and Princess Leia Dance at the Ball

When Hook and Emma go undercover at King Midas' ball, Emma is unsure that she'll know exactly how to waltz with the rest of the party-goers. Lucky for her, she's with a partner who knows what he's doing, and Killian leads her in a romantic dance. It helps too, that she's a natural princess.

10. They Pass the True Love Test

Only a heart filled with True Love can open the door. Emma needs to weigh her heart to see how full it is with love for Killian. He's afraid that the scales won't tip in his favor, knowing how rare True Love is. When Emma collapses without her heart, and Hook is consumed by fire, Emma chooses to save Hook rather than herself...and discovers that it's True Love for Captain Swan.

11. Hook Surprises Emma by Being Alive

Emma is a wreck. She believes that she's lost Killian for good. As she cries in the cemetery, he shows up... and she won't stop kissing him for long enough to hear his explanation of what happened. Same, Emma... same.

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Once Upon a Time Quotes

It's time for a world up is down, where villains can have happy endings.

The Author

Are the nuns still nuns, or can they, you know, date?
