11 Top Moments from Castle Season 7

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A wedding, a honeymoon, and fairy wings. Here are our top moments from Castle Season 7! Watch Castle on Mondays at 10/9c at ABC and then check back here at TV Fanatic for our reviews. 

1. They're Ready, So Ready!

Castle Season 7 Episode 3, "Clear and Present Danger" ~ Finally returning home after being missing for two months, Rick and Kate were still trying to get their groove back. They missed their mind melds as well as more romantic pursuits. After being interrupted several times, once by Martha walking into their invisible man trap, Kate put on her "invisible" suit and this time there were no interruptions.

2. Castle Wears Fairy Wings

Castle Season 7 Episode 4, "Child's Play" ~ Rick Castle went undercover in a second grade classroom. It should come as no surprise that he fit right in. Rick even went so far as to don a tiara, magic wand and fairy wings to participate in a princess tea party. What other man makes fairy wings look this good?

3. A Caskett Wedding, Finally!

Castle Season 7 Episode 6, "The Time of Our Lives" ~ The wedding took longer than we expected but when it finally happened no two people ever looked happier. And leave it to Rick Castle and Kate Beckett to make us tear up with their perfect vows.

4. The Caskett Honeymoon

Kate in a corset. Rick being lassoed. No, it wasn't the tropical island destination they'd planned but somehow Rick and Kate made the Wild West theme work the way no other couple could.

5. His Boyhood Dream

Castle got meet the actors from his favorite childhood aciton movies. As he told Esposito and Ryan, as the son of a single mother, that was his bro time. But he worried that Kate wouldn't let him go off with these former stars during an ongoing investigation. Kate: Castle, you really think I could stand between you and your boyhood dream? ~ Castle: You are my boyhood dream. ~ Aww.

6. Castle Plays Sherlock

After being banned from the precinct, Rick found a new way to bide his time. He became a private investigator. Instead of berating Castle for interferring in her cases, Kate encouraged him by giving him a present, a Sherlock Holmes style hat and magnifying glass.

7. Role Playing - Castle

One of the best things about "Private Eye Caramba!" was the Caskett role play. Kate Beckett was "just a girl looking for a private dick." Looks like she found one.

8. 3XK Came Back

Jerry Tyson and his paramour Dr. Kelly Niemann returned giving Castle one of his most intense standoffs. As happy as we were to see them, we're equally happy that this criminally insane couple is gone for good.

9. Getting Through It Together - Castle Season 7 Episode 15

The best part about the "Reckoning" was that for the first time in the series, a Castle two-parter ended with Rick and Kate getting through it together.

10. Get Lucky - Castle

The Esposito and Ryan moment of the season may have been their rendition of "Get Lucky" for the NYPD talent show. We only wish we could have seen the whole thing in "Habeas Corpse"

11. Father / Daughter Time

Things have been a bit difficult between Castle and Alexis the last couple of years. Castle's growing relationship with Kate and Alexis questionable taste in boyfriends (remember Pi?!?) were both obstacles for this father/daughter team. So it was great to see these how much Alexis has grown up and watch these two crack the case together on "In Plane Sight"

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Castle Quotes

I tried to stay in the car I really did.


Look at my life. My dreams do come true.
