10 Times Bonnie Bennett Deserved Better on The Vampire Diaries

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Bonnie Bennett is the least fortunate character on The Vampire Diaries. 

How so? 

Everyone close to her either uses her for her magic, or they just die.

Seriously, it's getting beyond a joke. 

The latest tragedy for the character was the death of her beloved boyfriend, Enzo. 

His death came around when she was trying to help her friends out. Yes, she still does that. 

After all these years, Bonnie still puts her friends before herself and it's horrible to watch. 

Remember you can watch The Vampire Diaries online if you want to relive any of these scenes. 

Have a look for the times Bonnie deserved better...


1. Losing Grams

Grams helped Bonnie lower the seal on the tomb to allow Damon to enter to find Katherine, but the spell took so much out of her that it killed her. It was heartbreaking, but also the shape of things to come for Bonnie.

2. That Time She Died

Bonnie died at the close of Season 4 and it was pretty horrible. She tried to bring Jeremy Gilbert back from the dead while the veil between the afterlife and Mystic Falls. She did succeed in bringing him back, but she lost her own life. However, she made Jeremy promise that he would tell everyone she was just out of town.

3. Linked To Elena

Kai took his crazy antics to extremes at the close of Season 6 when he linked Bonnie's life with Elena's. This meant the pair wuld never meet again and Elena would essentially remain in a coma until Bonnie died. Obviously, this made Damon question his friendship with Bonnie because she was the only thing keeping him from the love of his life.

4. Prison World Fun

Bonnie was banished to a prison world with Damon at the close of Season 5. Yes, it made her and Damon best friends, but why did she have to be there? She had already had the worst luck.

5. Sacrificing Herself

Remember when Bonnie kicked Kai's ass when she and Damon tried to escape from the prison world? Yeah, well Bon-Bon sacrificed herself when Kai attacked her. She let Damon go home and leave her there.

6. Her Mother Became a Vampire!

Just when Bonnie was starting to get along with her mother, Damon murdered her with his blood in her system. Yes, she became a vampire.

7. Anchor Bonnie

In order to allow Bonnie to have a presence in the real world, Qetsiyah turned Bonnie into the anchor between the other side and the real world. This did allow Bonnie to have a foot on both worlds, but she suffered a lot of pain when people crossed over.

8. The Huntress

Yes, Bonnie became the Huntress and it was sad. She took pills supplied by the armory to hide her from locator spells, but they suppressed her own magic and almost killed her. Rayna transferred her last life to Bonnie, but it meant she had to go after some of her nearest and dearest.

9. That Time Jeremy Cheated On Her... With a Ghost!

Jeremy once cheated on Bonnie with the ghost of Anna. Yes, we were all very mad.

10. Enzo Dies

In a shocking turn of events, Stefan murdered Bonnie's one true love, Enzo. This came a mere few episodes after Enzo was forced to work for the devil. We're still not over it. It was yet another slap in the fact to fans of Bonnie Bennett. Will this woman ever catch a break?

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Vampire Diaries Quotes

Damon: I mean this sincerely: I hope Elena dies.

Oooh, you know I don't know. Every time we try and go on a date you get kidnapped, I get sent to a prison world, or your feelings get compelled away...
