L - Michael - Your Honor Season 2 Episode 9
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Elizabeth, Fia, Gina, and Carmine all head to the courthouse for Eugene's trial. Michael, Jimmy, and Carlo don't attend for varying reasons.

Eugene and Lee prepare themselves for the trial, which begins after the judge arrives.

Michael visits Jimmy, and they head over to the waterfront development site. In the ride over, they look at Rocco's photos as Olivia's texts roll in.

Opening statements begin with the prosecution making its case.

Little Mo is approached by Chris, who proposes they overthrow Big Mo.

Lee takes the floor and steers the jury in a different point of view of the case.

Jimmy offers Michael the position of his right-hand man after promising to go legal. Michael is hesitant.

Little Mo returns to Desire and offers Big Mo an ultimatum.

Gina takes the stand and testifies to the events of the day. Lee cross-examines her and finds inconsistencies in her story.

The prosecution introduces a new witness to the list as the judge adjourns the court for the day.

Michael and Jimmy talk about the offer Jimmy made to him. On a car ride, Michael reveals the developments to Carlo. Carlo is not happy.

Little Mo sets Chris up, and he is killed by Big Mo. Little Mo is welcomed back into desire.

Fia confronts her father about the family business. She reveals that the federal government is looking into his dealings.

Michael and Olivia learn that Jimmy had pulled out of the development.

Big Mo offers Janelle an ultimatum, and she decides to leave.

Lee visits Michael at home and informs him of the developments in court.

Your Honor
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Your Honor Season 2 Episode 9 Quotes

And I hate this building because inside these walls I learned the most painful lesson of my life. Don't trust anyone. I don't know about you, but I'm already very, very confused. Up until a few months ago, Eugene Jones was dead. We knew that because the NOPD told us that he was dead. That's the same NOPD that swore up and down that my client was a killer, and then swore up and down that they'd found his dead body. And just like that, the Baxter House shooting was solved, and the Quarter was safe again. An officer named Rudy Cunningham cracked the case and solved the murder of Adam Desiato.

Ms Lee

Eugene Jones sat in the courtroom and watched Carlo Baxter get acquitted on all charges for the murder of his brother, Kofi. And then Eugene Jones took matters into his own hands. Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, this is a case about simple revenge. It's not complicated. The State will show that Eugene Jones purchased a gun and came to the hotel that night with murder on his mind. He fired the gun at Carlo Baxter and killed Adam Desiato instead. You will be presented with ample evidence that supports these facts. Eyewitness accounts, forensic analysis, and other testimony. All of it, seen in its totality, will point toward one clear conclusion -- that Eugene Jones be found guilty of first-degree murder.
