No Lucas in Sight - When Calls the Heart
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It’s been three weeks since Lucas left, and Elizabeth has moved on.

Still, reminders of Lucas are everywhere, as without his heroism, Hope Valley would be destroyed. The election polls open early tomorrow, and Rosemary is on high alert.

Elizabeth and Lucas were supposed to be getting married tomorrow. She’s happy to be coming home to LJ and her beloved neighbors. She’s just fine.

The students worry about the elections and whether they have to vote for Mr. Bouchard if they don’t like him. They’re all mad at Lucas for leaving Elizabeth. They want to know why she’s not marrying him. She says they’re just meant to be friends, and Cooper is happy since he likes him.

She thanks her students for being protective.

Goldie will be baptized in the same dress in which Rosemary was baptized. It reminds Rosemary of her mother.

Lee and Rosemary need to determine who will be Goldie’s godfather. He has an idea, but she needs to sit down for this one. Lee’s idea is Henry. He lights up when Goldie is around. He’s good with kids and set up a scholarship, and Lee loved it when Henry worked for Lee. Henry is also wiser because of his trials. On the other hand, Rosemary notes, he can be so cantankerous. But maybe with Goldie in his life, he’ll be less so.

Bill checks in with Nathan. Nathan has been out of town a lot, and Bill suspects there’s something more to his absence. Bill decides to ride out with Nathan since the Pinkertons gave Nathan a spot of trouble the last time he dealt with them.

Rosemary has come up with the Bust the Ballot Box for Bouchard initiative. She and Elizabeth will be manning the polling places tomorrow.

Lee finds Henry looking dapper while raking the park. He seems so happy. Henry is taken aback by the request, but Lee wants him to think about it.

Elizabeth tells Rosemary about the students. She is also happy and sad but at peace about her decision.

Elizabeth recalls having Nathan and she having a disappointment that led to him avoiding her. But it’s nothing. Everything’s fine.

Bill and Nathan chat on the road. Nathan admits he hasn’t seen Elizabeth around too much. Nathan asks about Madeline. Bill says it’s the life of a bachelor for him, and Nathan says it’s the life of a father for him. Not exactly the same, Bill says.

Joseph chats briefly with Henry to give him props.

Mei and Mike chat in the street while she helps him carry groceries. They decide to meet tomorrow to collect clay for the salon’s masks.

Elizabeth calls Lucas to ask about the campaign. Each day, hearing the stories of more and more people, he knows why he needed to leave. If he hadn’t gotten on that train, he would have regretted it. He feels as if he’s found his calling.

Neighboring papers are behind Lucas. Mike’s worried about Elizabeth, but she just spoke with him. Lucas is then on the radio. The radio that he introduced to Hope Valley, thank you very much.

Lucas doesn’t sound at all like Lucas. He sounds like someone’s version of Lucas.

Elizabeth calls Henry over on his way to see Lee and Rosemary. She says he’s always trying to save people. He sees it as blowing things up. She says we all blow things up every once in a while.

He says all of his atonement will never be enough, but she says that’s the point of forgiveness. It’s an act of grace. She urges him to say yes. He’d make a wonderful godfather, and they’d make a great team. They appreciate each other’s friendship.

Joseph is struggling with his baptism sermon.

It’s voting day, and the first voter approaches, making Rosemary giddy.

Mei waits for Mike, but Mike’s under the water with voting day. It’s busier than anyone has ever seen, and he gave the staff the day off for voting day. Lee and Bill offer their services, and Mike runs to find Mei. He’s too late.

They only have one voting booth, but people are taking forever for their one choice. Elizabeth suggests making more booths.

Faith and Fiona tell Mei to give Mike a break, but Mei thinks Mike has made it clear that he’s not interested, something her friends do not agree with.

With 22 people having not voted, Rosemary is out to get the rest of the votes.

Rosemary browbeats an older couple into voting, while Florence and Molly kill another with kindness.

Elizabeth looks for Nathan but only finds Scout.

Elizabeth hasn’t even voted yet. She sends Rosemary home before doing so, and Nathan enters, closing the door behind her. He hasn’t voted yet, either. She wonders if he’s been avoiding her, and he says goodnight.

Fiona tells Mike she’s not meddling anymore, and he says it’s the only thing that works. Please meddle!

Jack tries wearing his hat to the baptism, but Elizabeth asks him to take it off.

Henry ridiculously drags his feet to the baptism. He couldn’t find a tie. But he’s overjoyed.

Joseph pulls out his sermon and puts it back into his pocket. He’s got this.

Lucas won by 22 votes, so if Rosemary hadn’t hit the streets, Hope Valley would be lost. Elizabeth has a look on her face.

She exits the Queen of Hearts, seeing Henry’s old office door open. He’s inside. She’s happy he came today. Henry is so proud to be a part of Goldie’s life. He’s just trying to make sense of a few things. He shares stories of his childhood and the shack he grew up in, recalling how the men he sent into the mine were numbers on a ledger that he needed so he could wear a fancy hat. He was in the darkness so long he couldn’t see beauty anymore. But sitting here helped him to see it again. The view hasn’t changed from here, but he has. Elizabeth says “she” would really appreciate who he is now. I assume she means Abigail.

Mike and Mei stumble over their words with each other, but the meaning is the same. They really like each other.

Fiona meddles so she doesn’t have to think about her own love life, she admits to Faith.

It’s Joseph’s job to lead people to the light. Whether they want to see it is up to them.

Madeline comes to the party, and Bill follows her outside. Jamie insisted they drive to Hope Valley to celebrate. She tells Bill what Hope Valley and he have meant to her.

Lucas exits his campaign headquarters, and a car shines a light on him. What are you doing here, he says?

Elizabeth talks to Jack at the cemetery, explaining how his death broke her heart. She again reiterates how Lucas was safe. What if she broke again but couldn’t put the pieces together again. She wasn’t Lucas’s great love.

Henry visits Abigail.

Nathan finds Elizabeth on a bridge. Bill rides up. It’s Lucas. He needs them both. Now. So much for that safety.

When Calls the Heart
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