Rallying Around Lucas - When Calls the Heart
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Lucas wants to find some time with Lucas to talk. Mike interrupts with some cake samples, but they’ve already chosen a cake. They don’t choose the same cake this time, so go with their previous choice. Rosemary says Lucas’s next interview is ready.

Bill and Lee are planning a bachelor party for Lucas. They’ve got gold, poker, and darts. Lee admits it’s been hard to get Lucas’s attention the past few days. Bill is sure the attention will subside. Bill did get an injunction against the water project, but the governor, if he wins, can still veto it. Cunningham needs to win, he says.

Nathan shares the word with Lucas and asks for a Cunningham donation. Nathan runs into Elizabeth, and she waxes poetic about Hope Valley, only now realizing how special of a place it is because it was almost lost. He agrees.

Mike hides from Mei and makes an idiot out of himself again.

Rosemary is talking wedding plans, but Elizabeth’s mind is elsewhere. The phone rings, and Rosemary is shocked. Cunningham has withdrawn from the governor’s race.

At the Queen of Hearts, nobody believes it. Who could possibly run on such short notice? If the governor runs unopposed, Hope Valley is finished.

Rosemary and Lee take to the phones to find any potential candidates who might be able to take his place. The roof of the paper is leaking. Wonder when that happened.

Mr. Mitchell finds everyone at the Queen of Hearts talking about the Cunningham situation when Mr. Mitchell arrives with a letter from Capital City. They want Lucas to run for Governor.

It turns out that Montague hasn’t left town. They’re ready to pick up right where they left off once word that Balfour is running opposed gets out.

Lucas and Elizabeth talk, and she doesn’t give him her real feelings about it but supports his running. Rosemary asks her if she’s sure, and a concerned Elizabeth says he’s the future of Hope Valley.

Henry watches Goldie while Rosemary runs out for an errand.

Mei returns “Mike’s” book and tries to discuss it, but he’s a little vague. As a result, he has to tell her the truth. Now, he’ll read it, and they can talk about it afterward. It’s a date, she says.

Bill and Nathan are heading to the camp, discussing Lucas running for governor. Capital City is a 22-hour train ride away. They can’t imagine it.

Montague is smarmy as always, and he says they’re doing work on government land, and eminent domain will take Bills. Nathan smirks when Montague says it’s to their benefit that Balfour is running unopposed.

Rosemary and Lee spot Henry cradling Goldie and singing to her. Awwww.

Lucas’s campaign for governor is well underway with a town banner and a special hats. Elizabeth wonders if he’s ready for this. He is as ready as he’ll ever be. Montague had his crony drive by, assuring themselves that Lucas wouldn’t be a problem with all the important people who have a stake in the water project.

Lucas runs a press conference and someone from the Buxton paper asks why he would want to leave Hope Valley. Lucas doesn’t want to leave. He doesn’t want to run, either. He has to run, and it’s a big difference. They ask a lot of questions that address both of them, and Rosemary circles them around when he says that he hopes that he and Elizabeth will move together to the Governor’s mansion.

Lucas is a nervous wreck and so happy to see Elizabeth, but she is taken aback by his answer to the questions. They talk briefly about what winning would mean.

Emily gives Elizabeth a card from the kids who are worried she might be leaving. There isn’t anyone better than her. Uh oh. The card they gave her uses Scotch Tape, which wasn’t available until 1930.

The Cooper family shows their support for Lucas by bringing him a donation jar. He compliments them on always putting others first, and Minnie reminds him of the times he’s done the same, and he’s humbled.

Lucas leaves tomorrow to accept the nomination. He asks Mike to watch the place while he’s gone. It sounds very much like goodbye when he says Mike has been a great right-hand man and even a better friend.

Nathan talks with Elizabeth about moving to Capital City. This is so inappropriate. So, Lucas has to give up everything to leave Hope Valley, but Elizabeth gives up nothing? Nathan is so very wrong to be doing this.

Rosemary is also maudlin, wishing he would have turned it down. Lee isn’t surprised Lucas said yes, and he’s grateful he did.

Lucas is struggling with his nomination speech. Elizabeth wonders what if she went with him tomorrow? But after their conversation yesterday, he’s not sure how she’s feeling and is unsure if this is what she wants. She wants to make it work, to be there with him when he wins. Lucas wants Little Jack to go, too. He gets ahead of himself again, and she asks him to stop. He hasn’t packed yet, either, because it will make this all the more real. He feels lighter already, though, because she’ll be by his side.

Rosemary visits Elizabeth. They’re all worried in their own way. Elizabeth is going through old photos. Rosemary wonders what’s keeping her up. She tells Rosemary she’s going on the campaign with Lucas. Rosemary wonders what happens after.

When they get to the train depot, Elizabeth breaks up with Lucas. It’s only when he says that we don’t even know if I can win that he realizes the truth. She doesn’t love him.

When Calls the Heart
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When Calls the Heart Season 10 Episode 11 Quotes

Elizabeth: What is it?
Rosemary: Cunningham has withdrawn from the governor’s race. Governor Balfour will now run unopposed.

So much has changed in just one day, the day Lucas stood up and exposed Governor Balfour’s corruption. I’m so proud of him. When we all realized he was the only one to save the town, he rose to the occasion in a way I could not have imagined. The moment he finished that speech, people started talking. And when Rosemary’s article got picked up by the big city papers, well, nothing could have prepared me. I can’t help feeling confused and afraid of change, of losing things I care about. With everything happening, it’s been hard to think about us, and I’m starting to wonder about our plans. I need to share that with Lucas and ask him what his heart is telling him about his future. I wish I knew what my heart was telling me.
