It Takes a Valley - When Calls the Heart
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WHAT? The wedding is six weeks away. The invitations have been sent, and they’re awaiting who will RSVP.

But all is not right in the valley with the men up to who knows what on Bill’s former land.

Elizabeth and Nathan get together to discuss the man up there and whether they should tell Bill. He walks in on that conversation and is read into the details.

Nathan suggests Bill doesn’t get involved, but he’s determined to check it out anyway. He promises not to be seen.

Nathan brings Allie the snack she had for Little Jack. He’s so impressed how good she is with Elizabeth’s son.

Ned is at the switchboard screaming for Florence. Oh my goodness. The governor is coming! She runs off to tell Rosemary.

In conjunction with the cafe, the hotel has been serving a continental breakfast. Mike hums, and Mei joins in just as Rosemary and Elizabeth wander in. Everyone in the cafe has the same thing on their mind — Mei and Hickam.

Rosemary isn’t as excited about the governor’s arrival as anyone thought. The timing is too soon! She promised the governor a few things to get him to come, including a choir performance, the latest in radio technology, and that this could be his first live speech on the radio. Fiona is like, sure! But then Rosemary mentions the new bandstand she promised and the original song about Hope Valley.

To round things out, she promised a formal black tie dinner with a seven-course meal and dancing under the stars.

Everyone chooses how they will help, but it seems Rosemary doesn’t have a part to play in the planning.

Nathan runs into Elizabeth and wonders if she’s OK. She seems shifty.

Mr. Mitchell returns to Hope Valley for the hot springs and finds Cooper and his friend barring the way to them. The water is gone.

Elizabeth receives a gift of a book. Lucas wanders up, and Elizabeth is so adorable trying to explain to him all of the governor’s visit. They need to change their tasting as a result, and Lucas is amenable, but you can tell he’s disappointed.

The ladies’ desire to keep things secret isn’t going to swell.

The book is a library book that Jamie took out. He’s sending it back because he doesn’t think they’re returning. Montague has no idea where they are, either, as Mike discovered with his ear pressed to the pulse of the town. And Bill found out they’re digging a trench leading to the creek with a gate to close off the flow. Mike doesn’t think they’re even engaged.

Scout is sitting in Nathan’s chair. Someone who hates him must have taught him that, Nathan thinks. Allie wants to know the town’s secret, but Nathan has to deal with an angry farmer.

Nathan arrives up the mountain to find some Pinkerton’s training their guns at the house, inside of which if Clifford Stuckey. Looks like the old Canfield residence. Mrs. Stuckey has a hostage, and Nathan suggests he trade himself for whoever is inside. Stuckey opens the door and tossed out a trussed up man, and Nathan heads inside.

Fiona gives Mike and Mei the good news about the visit and their need to have the music ready by tomorrow evening.

Stuckey says the Pinkertons are working for Montague, and he’s buying all the land.

Now Rosemary has to reveal that the bandstand must be finished by tomorrow. Lee and Joseph thought more in line with a week. But her friends rally around her, a dreamer, a believer, and a doer, just Lee’s Rosie, who can do anything when she puts her mind to it.

The Pinkerton are surrounding the cabin when Bill wanders up. They had orders to shoot for the heart.

Mike and Mei are singing a silly song, and Cooper and his friend giggle. Turns out, it’s not supposed to be funny.

But Angela and Allie wrote a song about Hope Valley being the best place ever, so yay!

As Lucas and Mike discuss the dinner, Mr. Mitchell reveals he’s the governor’s man on the ground and the fact that the springs are no longer sprung, which will be quite disappointing to the governor who was looking forward to them.

Mitchell mentioned Bouchard’s name to the governor as a man who gets things done, and the governor wants a meeting. The kicker is that the governor will be rolling into town in about three hours. Oh, and his honor detests duck.

Florence’s sign welcoming the governor has the wrong name, the bandstand looks like a pile of wood, and Lucas and Mike deliver the bad news on the timing of his visit.

The sound of music fills the streets, so there is at least some good news on the horizon!

Rosemary decides that the governor has to extend his say so they can do everything they planned. She puts her foot down when Elizabeth says they can use her wedding arch, and then Henry and his crew decide they’ll make a nice little stage.

The Pinkertons start shooting at Nathan, Bill, and Stuckey.

Florence has news about a standoff and a constable taken hostage, and Elizabeth realizes it might be Nathan. She finds the telegram on his desk and he’s to the stable. His horse is gone. Henry finds Elizabeth unable to catch her breath there. She can’t do this again, not again, she says.

Nathan, Stucky, and Bill arrive in town. Elizabeth is relieved, and Elizabeth and Nathan catch each other’s eyes and Henry watches.

Elizabeth takes a moment in the library to cry and gather herself.

The governor arrives to a song. The Pinkertons need to speak with the governor. That’s not good.

Nathan and Bill let everyone in on what they’ve discovered. Lee pulls the plans that he has with the UCH logo. And they aren’t trustle bridges. They’re stealing water from Buxton and Rock Creek to divert water. Everyone is sullen, but Lucas says they have the advantage because nobody else knows they know.

This is why the springs dried up, no doubt.

Elizabeth gets her horse and rides to the stable, where Henry finds her for a word. Despite what his father said not to poke his nose where it doesn’t belong, he decides to give it to Elizabeth nonetheless.

He wants her to give some thought to how she was feeling yesterday. Since she brushes him off, we can surmise that Elizabeth made the wrong choice.


When Calls the Heart
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When Calls the Heart Season 10 Episode 9 Quotes

Lucas: What else aren’t you telling me?
Elizabeth: Why would you ask that?
Lucas: Because you have about five different tells.

That’s the most exciting news since the discovery of the hot springs!
