Time To Take Action - Treadstone
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Tara tells Petra everything and the latter gives her new friend all the firepower she needs to take down Yuri. 

Tara makes her way to take him down, but Yuri overpowers her and knocks her down. 

Tara then makes her way to Amsterdam to save Edwards when Dan puts out a kill order on him. 

Tara is forced to shoot Haynes in the head. The two then decide to go on the run together to sort things out once and for all. 

So Yun is shocked to learn that Jin Woo has been sent to a school for gifted indviduals without her blessing. 

She vows to break him free and fix everything, once and for all. 

Ellen tries to make a decision that could benefit Edwards, but she put her own career on the line in the end. 

Things took a turn when Dan was killed and she was drafted in to replace him. 

Petra made her way to the outskirts of Russia to speak to a man who is ... Bentley!

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Treadstone Season 1 Episode 10 Quotes

Yuri Leniov had my best friend executed right in front of me. The son of a bitch has it coming.


I want everything you know on the Cicada program. Bentley told me you ran it.
