Transplant Reviews

Transplant Season 3 Episode 8 Review: And So It Goes

Transplant Review: And So It Goes

Our review of Transplant Season 3 Episode 8 finds Bash reflecting upon events both recent and further back in his life during his Canadian citizenship interview.
Posted in: Transplant
Transplant Season 3 Episode 7 Review: Work to Rule

Transplant Review: Work to Rule

Our review of Transplant Season 3 Episode 3 reveals what happens when the doctors have to deal with personal and professional stresses that combine simultaneously.
Posted in: Transplant
Transplant Season 3 Episode 6 Review: Audition

Transplant Review: Audition

Our review of Transplant Season 3 Episode 6 reveals how Devi's policy changes are affecting members of the overworked and otherwise stressed Emerg staff.
Posted in: Transplant
Transplant Season 3 Episode 5 Review: Nadir

Transplant Review: Nadir

Our review of Transplant Season 3 Episode 5 reveals how it's a difficult time of transition for several physicians at York Memorial Hospital.
Posted in: Transplant
Transplant Season 3 Episode 3 Review: Hospital Beige

Transplant Review: Hospital Beige

Our review of Transplant Season 3 Episode 3 reveals how several doctors are having doubts about the direction that the Emergency Department is taking.
Posted in: Transplant
Transplant Season 3 Episode 2 Review: Baggage

Transplant Review: Baggage

Our review of Transplant Season 3 Episode 2 reveals how staffers at York Memorial are having to make adjustments in both their personal and professional lives.
Posted in: Transplant
Transplant Season 3 Episode 1 Review: Fracture

Transplant Review: Fracture

Our review of Transplant Season 3 Episode 1 reveals how the staff at York Memorial reacts to the new ED chief replacing Bishop and her progressive ideas.
Posted in: Transplant
Transplant Season 2 Episode 8 Review: Scars

Transplant Review: Scars

While not the happiest hour for some of our favorites, everybody brought their A-Game on Transplant Season 2 Episode 8. Check out our review for more.
Posted in: Transplant
Transplant Season 2 Episode 7 Review: Control

Transplant Review: Control

Theo, Bash, Magsn, and Dr. Bishop have their share of troubles, but June's storyline is the most thought-provoking; It's about time!. Check out our review.
Posted in: Transplant
Transplant Season 2 Episode 5 Review: Roads

Transplant Review: Roads

On Transplant Season 2 Episode 5, the team tackles eating disorders, immigration issues, and the question of what role fate plays in their lives. Check out our review.
Posted in: Transplant
Transplant Season 2 Episode 4 Review: Contact

Transplant Review: Contact

Dr. Bishop is back! Mags is assaulted! A case spotlights the neurodivergent, and June is an afterthought. Check out our review to see what we thought of the episode.
Posted in: Transplant
Transplant Season 2 Episode 3 Review: Sever

Transplant Review: Sever

Transplant Season 2 Introduced us to Dr. Novak. Now that we've gotten to know him, we know exactly how we feel, and we'll say it loud. Read our review to find out.
Posted in: Transplant
Transplant Season 2 Episode 2 Review: Jasmine

Transplant Review: Jasmine

Get to Know Dr. Novak on Transplant Season 2 Episode 2. Some want to keep him, others want him to hit the bricks. What do we think? Check out our review to find out.
Posted in: Transplant
Transplant Season 1 Episode 11 Review: Orphans

Transplant Review: Orphans

While Mags, June, Dr. Bishop, Claire, and Theo figurie out their work-life balance, Bash addresses his issues on Transplant Season 1 Episode 11. Check out our review.
Posted in: Transplant
Transplant Season 1 Episode 10 Review: Collapse

Transplant Review: Collapse

Check out our review for our thoughts on Transplant Season 1 Episode 10 as we discuss how the status quo has been maintained and what might come of Bash's PTSD.
Posted in: Transplant
Transplant Season 1 Episode 8 Review: Birth and Rebirth

Transplant Review: Birth and Rebirth

Bash helps expecting parents make a difficult choice on Transplant Season 1 Episode 8. Meanwhile, Mags and Theo examine their instincts and habits. Read for our review.
Posted in: Reviews
Transplant Season 1 Episode 7 Review: Far From Home

Transplant Review: Far From Home

Bash and Amira may be left homeless on Transplant Season 1 Episode 7. How does our favorite transplant keep a roof over his head? Check out our review.
Posted in: Reviews

Transplant Quotes

Bashir: Thanks for that. He's taking everything I say the wrong way.
Magalie: What does he think you did?
Bashir: At this point, maybe planning 9/11....but I didn't

Uncle: You're a hero
Bashir: People in this country might not agree.