Justin Hartley and Colter Shaw - Tracker Season 1 Episode 1
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Colter assists a young woman who is stranded in the desert, suffering from hypothermia and a broken leg. He informs her that he was taught by his father how to track people and survive, and he gets her out of the desert and to medical personnel.

It’s soon revealed he’s looking to be paid the reward money promised for finding the young woman.

Colter retreats to his airstream and speaks to his handlers, Velma and Teddi, who tell him a friend from his past called to talk to him. Colter tells them to ignore it if they call back. He then sees a series of missed calls on his phone.

Colter’s next job involves a 20K reward for a missing teen, Gilbert, whose mother and stepfather believe he was taken by his biological father, Eddie.

Colter travels to Oregon to meet with Gilbert’s family, and he quickly deduces the mother is lying about having no contact with Gilbert’s father and discovers Gilbert had met up with his father, though her current husband doesn’t know that.

Colter has flashbacks to his childhood, which showcase his father rooting him on as he climbs a rock wall.

Colter calls Bobby, a tech genius, and asks him to get information about Eddie and text exchanges from Gilbert’s phone.

Once he gets the text exchanges, Colter sees a message from Eddie asking to meet at a local burger restaurant. At the restaurant, Colter sneaks into the back to look at the security footage and sees Gilbert was taken by someone who wasn’t Eddie.

Colter is arrested by Officer Amini, and Velma and Teddi look for lawyers to get him out.

Reenie Greene shows up to help Colter and recounts their history to one of the cops there, stating they slept together and Colter left in the middle of the night.

Reenie gets Colter out, and Amini tells him they looked into the kidnapping and the police are now involved.

Bobby tells Colter that Eddie has been dead for six months, meaning someone was impersonating him.

Colter goes to a halfway house Eddie used to live at, and two men there recognize the man who took Gilbert. He discovers his name is Jack Horvath, and he knows Eddie. They talk about Eddie always saying he buried money in the woods, leading Colter to believe Jack took Gilbert to find it.

Colter and the family work with the cops, who want to descend upon the forest they believe Jack took Gilbert to, but Colter insists they let him go in alone first so as not to spook him.

The cops agree to give Colter two hours, and Amini drives him to the forest, where he recounts what made him turn to a life of reward-seeking. He details his parents being professors at Berkley before an incident involving his father caused them to move to a cabin and live off the grid. His father always mentioned being prepared for people to come for them, and one night, he scrambled to get them to leave, but their mother wasn’t home, causing pushback from Colter’s younger sister.

After his dad and older brother, Russell, fought, his dad ran off into the night, and Russell went after him. However, after they didn’t return, Colter went looking for them and found his father dead at the foot of the rock wall, with Russell on top of the rocks.

In the woods, Colter tracks Jack and Gilbert and finds Gilbert chained up in a truck bed. But Jack arrives before he can free Gilbert.

Colter convinces Jack to let him take Gilbert so he can make a run for it before the cops arrive, but a helicopter comes early, spooking Jack, who shoots Colter and drives off in the truck with Gilbert.

Colter tracks them through the woods and is able to get into the back of the truck with Gilbert as it barrels toward a cliff, where Officer Amini meets it.

Jack shoots himself inside the truck, which causes it to careen towards the edge of the cliff above a waterfall. Colter and Gilbert jump into the water below and are able to swim to safety.

Reenie informs Colter the charges against him have been dropped, and he’s free to go.

Colter and Officer Amini have drinks and hook up.

Velma and Teddi call Colter with a new job, and he sets off.

Colter goes to his family’s cabin and looks at his father’s grave alongside his mother. He tells her about Russell contacting him, and she tells him to ignore him.

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