This Is Us Reviews

This Is Us Season 1 Episode 9 Review: The Trip

This Is Us Review: The Trip

On This Is Us Season 1 Episode 9, when the kids learn Rebecca will be selling the family cabin, they decide to visit it one last time together. Do hijinks ensue?
Posted in: This Is Us
This Is Us Season 1 Episode 8 Review: Pilgrim Rick

This Is Us Review: Pilgrim Rick

It's our first Thanksgiving with the Pearsons on This Is Us Season 1 Episode 8, but when Randall's day goes from bright to dark, will it be our last, too?
Posted in: This Is Us
This Is Us Season 1 Episode 6 Review: Career Days

This Is Us Review: Career Days

On This Is Us Season 1 Episode 6, we learn how Randall got to be the Weather Trader he is today, even if he's not as artistic as he might like to be. Read on!
Posted in: This Is Us
This Is Us Season 1 Episode 4 Review: The Pool

This Is Us Review: The Pool

On This Is Us Season 1 Episode 4, one simple day at "The Pool," reveals more of the Pearson family dynamics that shaped the Big Three into who they are today.
Posted in: This Is Us
This Is Us Season 1 Episode 3 Review: Kyle

This Is Us Review: Kyle

On This Is Us Season 1 Episode 3, we discover the mystery behind Randall's birth including how he came to get his name and the part William played in it all.
Posted in: This Is Us
This Is Us Season 1 Episode 2 Review: The Big Three

This Is Us Review: The Big Three

On This Is Us Season 1 Episode 2, Kevin fights for his artistic freedom, Kate can't stop thinking about the weight and Beth wonders if William hiding something. Read on!
Posted in: This Is Us

This Is Us Quotes

Woman: So what brings you to Boston?
Deja: My boyfriend. He's studying at Harvard.
Woman: Ah, young love is wonderful. It changes you.

Listen to me. Yes, when you made starring quarterback I was psyched cause I was excited to watch you take off. But Kevin, football is not the only thing that you have. You understand?
