
On This Is Us Season 1 Episode 16, Randall discovers more about his biological father's past when he and William head off on a road trip to Memphis.

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"Jack Pearson's Son"

On This Is Us Season 1 Episode 15, Rebecca and Jack's Valentine's Day takes an unexpected turn, while Randall is stressed over work and his ailing father.

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"I Call Marriage"

On This Is Us Season 1 Episode 14, Rebecca receives an amazing work opportunity, Kevin examines his romantic past, and Toby throws a wrench into Kate's weightloss plans.

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"Three Sentences"

On This Is Us Season 1 Episode 13 Jack and Rebecca get in over their heads when they decide to throw Kate, Kevin and Randall three separate parties for their 10th birthday.

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"The Big Day"

On This Is Us Season 1 Episode 12, as the triplet's due date approaches, Rebecca forgets Jack's birthday, and Dr. K struggles with the loss of his wife.

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"The Right Thing to Do"

On This Is Us Season 1 Episode 11, Kate must deal with the aftermath of Toby's heart attack, Olivia reappears and Randall must adjust to William's relationship.

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"Last Christmas"

On This Is Us Season 1 Episode 10, on Christmas Eve, the Pearsons find themselves in the hospital after Kate comes down with appendicitis and join and old friend in need.

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"The Trip"

On This Is Us Season 1 Episode 9, after Thanksgiving dinner Kate, Kevin and Randall visit their family's cabin, where Olivia makes a hurtful remark about Kate.

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"Pilgrim Rick"

On This Is Us Season 1 Episode 8, as Jack, Rebecca and the three kids make their way to Rebecca's parents' house for their traditional Thanksgiving, an unforeseen detour occurs.

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"The Best Washing Machine in the Whole World"

On This Is Us Season 1 Episode 7, the rocky relationship between Kevn and Randall is explained while Rebecca and Jack talk about their growing distance.

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This Is Us Quotes

Woman: So what brings you to Boston?
Deja: My boyfriend. He's studying at Harvard.
Woman: Ah, young love is wonderful. It changes you.

Listen to me. Yes, when you made starring quarterback I was psyched cause I was excited to watch you take off. But Kevin, football is not the only thing that you have. You understand?
