Ciri and Yennefer - The Witcher
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Shouting is heard in the distance while Dijkstra holds a weapon on Geralt, telling him he should’ve chosen a side. The Redanians are making their move. They are taking all the mages into custody and hobbling their powers.

Geralt lays down his sword, warning Dijkstra that coming after mages in their stronghold during a conclave is suicide.

Yennefer is still in their chambers, trying to contact and warn Tissaia. The rising sun strikes her face and she remembers the protection spell on Ciri has expired.

Realizing they’re under attack, she sneaks out of the room and gains Geralt’s sword. She slips into another room and opens a secret passageway to evade the soldiers.

In her bed, Ciri sits up with a start, hearing Yennefer say her name.

In the out building, Radovid slips away from a sleeping Jaskier to confront Ciri. Entering the cabin, Radovid is startled when Jaskier comes in behind him, accusing him of feigning affection in order to kidnap Ciri. Radovid leaves, ashamed. Jaskier discovers Ciri’s gone already.

Ciri runs through the woods.

Geralt is brought to where the non-Redanian-supporting mages have been shackled.

Vilgefortz and his conspirators are to be executed. Dijkstra declares that Vilgefortz has allied with Nilfgaard. Philippa states this will be a purge of all traitors.

As Yennefer uses the underground paths to get to Ciri, Lydia creeps up on her and telepathically scolds her for leaving the girl alone. Lydia says Ciri belongs with her master. She attacks Yennefer and plans to kill her but the roots around suddenly bind her. Triss appears, hoping to find Istredd. Yennefer asks her to help her protect Ciri.

Lydia insists Ciri belongs with Vilgefortz. Yennefer kills her.

Tissaia joins the captive mages, entering of her own free will and unsecured by any dimeritium shackles. Dijkstra and Radcliffe list the evidence they have against Vilgefortz. Tissaia is skeptical. Geralt suggests the evidence is sound but he has no interest in Brotherhood politics.

Looking out the window, Geralt reports an unnatural fog in the bay is concealing a fleet of approaching ships. Vilgefortz declares it must be a Redanian army.

Hooded figures land boats laden with weapons on the beach and quickly deploy to the castle.

Vilgefortz asks Tissaia to break the binding spell. When a soldier strikes him, Tissaia speaks a spell that opens all the mages’ shackles. Vilgefortz declares death to Redania.

Dijkstra leaves the room as the mages attack, telling Geralt he’s too late if he’s looking for the girl. Geralt follows him. Dijkstra tries to stab him but Geralt disarms and cripples him before leaving.

Tissaia confronts Philippa but is distracted when Vilgefortz leaves. She follows, warning Philippa to never return to Aretuza.

The hooded figures line up on the stairs to Aretuza’s tower, awaiting orders.

Tissaia catches up to Vilgefortz, pointing out they can stop the incoming Redanian forces if they unite their Chaos and trap them in the tunnels. Vilgefortz informs her the invaders are Scoia’tael, not Redania. They will burn Aretuza down in the name of the White Flame and with his blessing.

Tissaia realizes the accusations against him were true. He informs her he doesn’t care what happens to Aretuza. He has other goals to accomplish. He admits to framing Stregobor and fooling her on purpose.

He opens the gate to the tunnels and leaves, pitying Tissaia’s failure of judgment. The hooded forces enter with only Tissaia standing to meet them. They reveal themselves. Francesca leads them, with Cahir and Filavandrel at her side.

Filavandrel states the elves’ plan to reclaim Aretuza and bring the Elder Blood princess, Ciri, home.

The mages join Tissaia, backing her up, and preparing for battle.

Tissaia prepares a magical shield. The elven archers fire arrows with dimeritium tips, able to fly through magical defenses and strike down mages.

As the battle begins, Francesca orders Cahir to find the girl and bring her to her.

Yennefer finds Ciri on the shore of Thanedd. She says they need to catch the chain ferry off the island as soon as possible. Ciri asks about Geralt. Yennefer reminds her Geralt always finds them.

In the battle, Tissaia targets Francesca with a powerful blast. Filavandrel throws himself in front of her to block it and is blown to bits, covering Francesca with his bloody remains.

Artorius attempts to kill Francesca as she mourns Filavandrel but a blade rises from the ground and kills him. Fringilla appears on the side of the elves and bids her uncle goodbye.

Francesca comes back to her senses at Fringilla’s insistence and causes the doors to close before bringing the flaming ring high above Aretuza crashing down on the courtyard.

Fringilla shields herself and Francesca. Tissaia manages to shield those near her. Everyone else is blasted by the impact.

Rience attacks Ciri and Yennefer. He enshrouds Ciri in a circle of flame. Yennefer speaks to him calmly, offering to put her sword down and back away. She unsheaths it and throws it directly at Geralt who is standing behind Rience. Geralt catches it and decapitates the fire mage.

Geralt informs Ciri and Yennefer of what Vilgefortz has done. He concurs they must get off the island.

Triss and Marti break the doors in from the outside. Istredd spots the Redanian mages approaching. They protest they were only trying to stop Vilgefortz. As Tissaia silently comes out of the courtyard, they insist they will fight for Aretuza. They enter the fray as Tissaia watches.

Tissaia tells Triss it’s too late. As Triss tries to argue there’s a way to win, she takes an arrow to the chest. Istredd sees to her as Tissaia walks away.

Istredd removes the arrow and tells Triss he must get to the book before Vilgefortz finds it.

Tissaia steps out onto the balcony overlooking the courtyard and sees the destruction and death below. She looks up then reaches down and begins an incantation.

From their distant view of Aretuza, Yennefer feels Tissaia’s intention and tells Geralt Tissaia is summoning Alzur’s Thunder, a spell of last resort. Ciri sees Yennefer’s conflict and tells her to go to Tissaia. Geralt doesn’t want her to go but Yennefer says she must. He tells her to come back to them.

Tissaia rises to her feet. Below her, Cahir discovers Fringilla on the battlefield. Emhyr had told him she was dead. He tells Francesca Ciri probably already fled the building. Francesca orders him to find her. He leaves.

Tissaia calls down the thunder and unleashes it upon the courtyard. Francesca raises a shield.

Istredd finds the book and runs right into Vilgefortz. Vilgefortz opens a dark portal and shoves Istredd and the book through.

Artaud finds the crippled Dijkstra and taunts him about how badly the plan went. He’s about to kill Dijkstra when Philippa attacks him in bird form. Transforming, she tells Dijkstra they must flee.

Ciri and Geralt observe Alzur’s Thunder from the cliff bluffs. Cahir arrives on horseback. Ciri recognizes him and intends to kill him. Geralt warns her she can never come back from killing a man. She doesn’t care.

Cahir addresses her and lays down his sword. He confesses that he’s realized he was wrong to follow the orders in Cintra when he burned her home and killed her people. He offers to let her kill him, taking his life in exchange for the one he took and cannot return to her.

The Scoia’tael arrive. Cahir picks up his sword and tells her to run, he’ll hold them off. He promises to find her.

Tissaia collapses from the effort of channeling Aztur’s Thunder. Francesca lowers her shield and intends to kill her. She and her elves find a group of mages in their way. Yennefer arrives and shields them from Francesca’s attack. Suddenly, Stregobor is there, wielding fire magic and calling the elves mongrels.

As the mages run, Stregobor promises the elves that Falka will be waiting for them.

As Geralt and Ciri start to launch a boat, Geralt senses something approaching and tells Ciri to go.

As Geralt investigates the tunnels, Ciri runs towards Tor Lara.

Geralt finds Vilgefortz waiting for him. Vilgefortz knows Ciri’s heading to Tor Lara. He tries to draw comparisons with Geralt, brandishing a staff that looks like a giant rebar, but Geralt tires of the banter.

Vilgefortz tries again to get Geralt onside but Geralt refuses. They fight. Geralt fires a magical blast that Vilgefortz deflects back and it throws Geralt out onto the beach.

Ciri reaches the base of Tor Lara and enters.

Yennefer reaches Tissaia, just as Stregobor unleashes a fire ball attack and immolates everyone around him. Tissaia’s hair has gone white with the effort of channeling the thunder. Yennefer helps her out.

Vilgefortz follows Geralt out to the beach. Geralt gets back up, spitting blood. They engage again but Vilgefortz has the upperhand the entire time, finally impaling Geralt on his rebar staff.

Geralt gets some distance only to have Vilgefortz smash his leg. As he tries to block a killing blow, Geralt’s sword is shattered. With a last blow to Geralt’s back, Vilgefortz bids him farewell, promising that they’ll meet again one day. He walks away as Geralt falls to the ground.

Ciri creeps up the stairs of Tor Lara and discovers the tower is built around a monolith. Vilgefortz addresses her from the bottom of the tower. He offers to train her properly.

Ciri finds her way close to the monolith and glowing words appear all over the stone. She asks what it’s trying to tell her. She reaches out and the stone responds. Vilgefortz appears behind her and warns her that she’s not ready for this kind of power.

As he continues to try to coerce her, she awakens the monolith and the power burst blows him back and shatters Tor Lara.

The tide has rolled in and carried Geralt into the depths. He sinks as the tower explodes.

Triss rescues him and revives him.

In the caverns below Aretuza, Francesca demands to know where the scouts are and if Cahir has found Ciri. No one has answers for her.

The surviving mages watch from the bluffs as the tower of Tor Lara falls apart, revealing the monolith.

The Witcher
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The Witcher Season 3 Episode 6 Quotes

Piece of advice, though. Coming after mages in their own home during a conclave… That’s suicide.


Geralt: So, I’m a prisoner?
Dijkstra: We’re only here for mages. Holding you is more of a… courtesy. After all, I see us as allies.