Finding the Way Home
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As Alice reads a poem about not seeing someone’s face for a log time, Kat is running after the boy. It’s not Jacob, after all. A man is also right at that spot in the woods; perhaps he’s the boy’s father. Kat shouldn’t fear him, but she is on his land, so perhaps he should be suspicious of her. He’s Elijah Landry.

Alice offers to help Del at the market today and will always be there for her.

The little boy is another Jacob, Elijah’s grandson. Kat says she’s looking for someone and must been in the wrong place. Elijah isn’t so sure. She looks like she’s battled a storm and lost. When she sees the house, she says, “It’s home.”

Elliot is looking for Kat. She’s not there, and he sees Colton and Jacob come outside as his younger self emerges from the barn. His dad is going out to sea again. Colton reminds him there is always a place for him at their table.

Alice thinks Del’s prices are far too generous. Monica uses Del’s comment about Alice needing a lesson in behavioral economics to offer Alice a job. Alice promises to think about it. A job at The Point is a right of teenage passage. Del scoffs that she’d need enough help that Alice couldn’t take the job.

Elijah built the house. His plan was for it to stand the test of time, and Kat thinks it definitely does. Elijah apologizes for his less-than-stellar offerings for a guest. He lost his wife a year ago, and he’s got a lot to learn. There is a photo on the wall drawn by his son of the Port Haven lighthouse. Both Landrys had a hand in building it.

Alice is worried about $45 per ticket for a haunted tour. She’s trying to get Del to talk about the land and what’s happened. She blurts out that they’re about to lose the farm, turning heads everywhere.

Elijah whistles as Kat looks at all of the memories that lasted centuries. How does he know that song? His eldest son used to whistle that song years ago. They took him in over 20 years ago, but he’s a Landry through and through. William named his son after him. Jacob is gone, delivering a ship for the war to Upper Canada. Kat is overcome. She tells Elijah the partial truth, and he welcomes her to the family.

Del wishes Alice had explored somewhere a little less crowded and doesn’t know where she got the idea they would lose the farm. Del assures her that Hank’s moving only means she’s got a land lesson to solve. For now, they need to change the tire. Jude drives up and offers to help while discussing the breathtaking view. Del hilariously objects to that and his offer of help. She scoffs that he’s merely a summer tourist, but he’s just retired here, so he’s a local.

Elliot is still swimming in memories, so real they’re in corporeal form. Young Elliot fell asleep and missed his dad’s departure.

Kat wonders what Jacob told Elijah when he was found. Nothing. He could barely speak, let alone say what happened to him. Elijah wanted him to feel safe, so they didn’t press him. She says they can’t believe that they lost him to YOU, and he wonders if they’ll lose him to her. Susana Augustine arrives. She’s Jacob’s betrothed. Well, they have much to discuss.

Susana wants to escort Kat to her lodging. Insists, actually, despite Kat not wanting to leave just yet.

Del has phone calls about the farm. She’s so annoyed. When she gets out to the land, the horse is there again.

Susana pulls Kat to the pond. She wants to know what deceit she’s trying to pull. Susana pulls up Kat for saying she was looking for a boy, not a man. Which is it? Kat says it’s both. Jacob has never mentioned a sister. Susana pulls a knife on Kat, demanding to know who she is and what she knows about Jacob and the Landrys. Wanna know who she is, Kat asks. Well, you asked for it. She falls backward into the pond.

The horse looks just like the one Del had as a kid. His name was Lightning. Alice wonders why they didn’t keep horses, but Del said it just wasn’t right for them.

Elliot spies Kat returning from the pond. She almost keeps walking, but she can’t. She runs over and shares her excitement about Jacob. Elliot runs to her, and they embrace. She’s sobbing with happiness. Inside, she tells him everything, that he even found the lighthouse. Elliot wonders why the pond took her there if Jacob wasn’t there and tells her to remember that if she meets him, Jacob has spent more time there than he did here.

Elliot rains on everyone’s parade. Right now, Kat needs to believe that Jacob will return, and she does. They argue, and she leaves.

When Kat tells Alice, they look at the almanac, and she can’t believe she didn’t recognize that the handwriting was of an adult, not a child. They didn’t put Jacob’s name in the almanac, though. If they love him as their own, then why didn’t they include him? They talk about Jacob’s art, as well. Did he paint her portrait?

Alice is peeved that Kat told Elliot first and wants to go back with her the next time she travels. Kat refuses. She sees the horse and chats briefly with Del. Kat sees that Del looks happy with the horse. Del decides to call the horse Stormy. She remembers arguing with Colton to rip down the paddock. He refused because he wanted to save up to get her one.

Rita comes bearing a gift of pie. Everyone brought her food. Lots of it. Rita digs right into lasagna. Mmm. Free food.

A young lady visits Kat to ask if she can work at the paper. She was the youngest editor of the school paper. She’s Kasey Goodwin, Evelyn’s granddaughter. Maybe helping go through her grandmother’s generous donation is the way she can get to know her family better. When Kat takes a call and mentions Jacob, Kasey’s head turns.

Alice visits Elliot to yell at him. He can talk to Kat about time travel, but not Alice? She wants to understand how he managed to wait all the time. At least you try to.

Alice arrives for her internship with Kat and discovers Kasey instead. Kasey tries to make a friend, but Alice rebuffs her. Alice heads over to The Point to claim her job there.

Alice is a terrible waitress. She spills coffee on one table and gets the order wrong for another. Noah was the most popular boy in school, too. Sheesh. Monica is going to host an open mic night, which will give her a break from waiting tables. For now, she can go scrape gum off the bottom of the table.

Del works with Stormy, running him on a rope.

Kasey is getting Kat coffee at The Point, and there is a long line waiting for orders. Kasey tries to help, and Alice spills a shake on her. Noah says it could have been worse. It could have been chilly. He’ll wear a raincoat tomorrow.

Elliot remembers going on the haunted tour with Kat, where she reinforced that he’s part of the family. As he’s reminiscing, Kat arrives. They’re at the lighthouse. They never knew it was built by Jacob or that it was proof that he grew up.

He says she’ll always be Jacob’s big sister. She counters that she’ll always be the sister who let him down. Elliot saw how close they were. He resented being part of the family as much as he loved it. He always wanted her to look at him differently. He apologizes for what he said about Colton’s death.

And now he wants to tell everyone what he didn’t tell Colton or Jacob before it was too late. They are the family he never had. She apologizes, too. She knows he wants to be done with the past, but she can’t be, not until she brings Jacob home. She also cannot lose Elliot again. She says no more time travel talk, promising to do whatever she can to make their friendship work.

When she was young, Del’s father lost everything, including her horse. She became practical in response. She knows that it’s practical to let go of the land that was leased, but this is one dream she doesn’t think she can let go of. As a member of the next generation, Del wants to protect, but Alice tells her to follow her heart.

Del has a crazy idea and hopes Stormy will trust her. She jumps onto his back and rides around the paddock. She feels like a kid again with a sense of freedom and possibility. People like Colton kept it their whole lives while others lose it under the weight of the world. Kat says you can’t stay a kid forever, but for once, Del disagrees. If you can dig deep enough…

Kat apologizes to Alice for leaving her behind. She got an age progression portrait done, so she knows what to look for. They look at it together.

Sam Bishop arrives to say hello. He bought Hank’s land, and Stormy is his horse.

Kat is in an office looking at Jacob’s photo when she finds polaroids of the pond taped to the underside of the desk.

Alice visits Elliot, asking about the pact they made not to talk about her travels. She’s trying to understand why he said it. She wants to know what the pond wants her to do. Elliot’s advice is to never go back and expect things to be the same. People group and change, and it's never what you remember.

The Way Home
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