Awkward Breakfast - The Way Home
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Brady has made breakfast, and Kat says he's showing her up. Alice is surprised to see him, and everyone's surprised how he's eager to lend a hand.

The Roxy theater is closing, and Del is lending a hand. She mentions Nick, and Alice chokes at his name. When Brady asks Alice if she'd like to spend time with him, she remembers that awkward date night and passes.

Brady is trying to find a way to spend the day, and when he asks Kat, he clasps her hand, which throws her.

When Alice and Kat are gone, Del tells Brady that they're just finding their stride and not to rock the boat.

Now that he's on her mind, Alice is checking out Nick's Instagram page.

Once they're at the school, Kat lays into Elliot about the secret. He says he had no idea what would happen. Kat's embarrassed that Alice must think she's so stupid for not realizing her daughter was also her best friend. Elliot disagrees.

Kat wonders if she can change things, and Elliot doesn't think so. But he didn't know Kat was back in time, so maybe he's not entirely correct.

Rita and Del are chatting when Byron wanders in, surprised to see Rita and Del doing so well. He asks out Del, and she turns him down flat. She's got memories she's dealing with, too, which come to light when she gets to The Roxy.

Alice is all aflutter about Nick, but Elliot is of no help.

Spencer and Zoey are chatting about the upcoming school dance. Alice suggests party like it's 1999 as the theme.

One of Nick's moms laments how her wife has kept every movie poster from the last 30 years, which allows Kat to reminisce and discover a missing poster about Jacob. She decides to take a trip back in time to see Jacob again. She's trying to hide from him, but they hear her, and when she doesn't show herself, they run screaming about a monster.

Alice asks Del about Brady, but all Del offers is that she needs to think about new beginnings.

Brady arrives with Starbucks. Kat asks about Rachel, and when he answers, his voice cracks. Things aren't going well. Brady misses Kat. She's been his best friend for over half his life. He feels like he blinked, and his life changed.

Alice finds a picture of Elliot's wedding on Nick's Instagram page. Nick was his best man. Elliot wants her to focus elsewhere, especially when she says love is love. NOOOOO, Elliot says, and ends the conversation. So, she goes back in time and carries it on with young Elliot.

As it turns out, Elliot didn't like her getting involved with Nick in the past, either. She tells Elliot she doesn't want to spend time with her dad because of what she knows about him in the past.

Then young Kat asks Alice to stay for dinner with the family and Brady, so she misses dinner with them in the present.

At 1999 dinner, Jacob talks about the monster he saw in the woods.

Alice doesn't like anything about her dad until he says that when he came up the driveway, he felt like he was coming home. Del says she had the same feeling the first time she visited.

Grown Brady and Elliot trade barbs at each other, which sends Del packing. She takes dinner to the paper for her and Byron to share. She's taken them something from Charlie's Chip Wagon. He seems surprised that he's still not fully welcomed into the community. She asks him to The Roxy celebration tomorrow night.

In 1999, Kat is trying to get Alice and Brady to be friends. It's not working, and he's kind of mean to her. But Brady wanted to be alone to give her a bracelet engraved with their initials. Alice enjoys watching them take that next step.

Outside the house, Nick rolls up. He wants to hang out.

In the present, Brady leaves, and Elliot asks Kat to go the dance -- as a chaperone, he says. But is that really what he meant?

Kat tells him that she went back again to see Jacob. She wants to warn him about the possibilities. Elliot warns against it. She says there's just got to be more to it, right?

Nick tells Alice he gave up music after she showed him up. He wants to see the world, and she says she has no doubt he will do something great. He wants to call her sometime, but she says she can't. Instead, she gives him a date and says that no matter what, they should meet back here in the future. Cheeky!

Elliot arrives looking "awfully sharp for a chaperone," corsage in hand. Kat comes down the stairs to Kiss Me, and I get tears in my eyes. She falls on the last step, but it doesn't ruin the moment. She says she was kidding about the corsage, and he says it's a joke corsage. As they're standing there, Brady drops by to say goodbye to Alice. Awkward.

Alice is looking through Instagram, hoping that Nick comes when Brady enters the room. He's proud of her. She says he's grown up well, and it's a little weird, but it smooths over.

Brady says he grew up fast so he could be the best dad he could to the best kid in the world.

Alice asks Elliot if Nick's coming, and he suggests she has some fun with her age-appropriate friends.

Del and Byron are at the Roxy, which is showing a history of the theater. She moves away from him when a photo of her and Colton is on screen.

Kat and Elliot talk about what might happen if Nick arrives. She invites him to the dance floor for one dance. They're just getting goofy when Goo Goo Dolls Iris comes up. They show dance together.

While they're dancing, Kat asks about the past. She heard him and Nick talking about her. Then Brady arrives, cutting in. Kat is like WTF? What's so important that he crashed his daughter's dance? Brady is pissed that Elliot is turning his daughter against him. Kat says that's nuts. Then he says he's jealous of Elliot because he's shut out from his own family. She wonders how he thinks she felt when he was with Rachel? They were strangers for so long that she even forgot what it felt like to kiss her. It's just too late. Then he grabs her, and they kiss passionately just as Elliot comes out looking for her.

She's crying, wondering what they're doing? He's with Rachel, and she's moving on. But, it's us, Brady says. They promised to be together forever. She says they tried that for a really long time, but they're not those kids anymore. They couldn't go back even if they wanted to.

Alice gets a reminder on her phone. There's somewhere she needs to be.

Alice heads over to the theater, hoping Nick will be there. His mothers say he chose not to. Kat and Elliot arrive on opposite sides of the crowd, and his face is so sullen.

As Nick's mothers talk about whether they'd do anything differently if they could go back, Kat peers across the crowd at Elliot and remembers painting the ceiling with Jacob. She pulls the missing poster out of her pocket, wondering.


The Way Home
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The Way Home Season 1 Episode 5 Quotes

Kat: Hey! What I can't wrap my head around is that you have kept this massive secret from me for a quarter century.
Elliot: You just got the ability time travel, and that's what you're hung up on?

Elliot's a teacher. Hm. I guess some people really don't stray far from home.
