The Vampire Diaries Photo Galleries

17 Scary Good Monster Romances

17 Scary Good Monster Romances

Does a romance play out any differently when supernaturals are involved? Check out our 17 Scary Good Monster Romances to find out for yourself.
Posted in: Charmed
26 Wickedly Awesome TV Witches

26 Wickedly Awesome TV Witches

Tis the season! Whether wicked or charming, these beloved television witches cast a spell on us! Want to see if your favorite witch made the list? Read on to find out!
Posted in: Grimm
19 Underappreciated Leading Ladies

19 Underappreciated Leading Ladies

Don't you hate it when your favorite character doesn't get the love she deserves? We've rounded up 19 underappreciated leading ladies. Do you agree with them?
Posted in: Scream
27 Young Old Married Couples

27 Young Old Married Couples

To be an old married couple, all you really need is some light-hearted banter and excessive concern about the other's well being. Do any of your 'ships qualify?
Posted in: TBBT
21 Interspecies Romances

21 Interspecies Romances

True love has no limitations. You don't have to be from the same planet or background to fall for each other. We created a list of 21 interspecies romances!
Posted in: True Blood
17 TV Couples Who Are All About PDA

17 TV Couples Who Are All About PDA

There's a lot of ways to show you love someone whether it's done in private or in a more public setting. How do your favorite couples show their affection?
Posted in: Skins
19 Times Love Unleashed Evil

19 Times Love Unleashed Evil

Love doesn't always change a person for the better. We created a list of 19 characters who abandoned their conscience for the person that they loved.
Posted in: Westworld

Vampire Diaries Quotes

Damon: I mean this sincerely: I hope Elena dies.

Oooh, you know I don't know. Every time we try and go on a date you get kidnapped, I get sent to a prison world, or your feelings get compelled away...
