The Strain News

The Strain Review: Beheading Time

The Strain Review: Beheading Time

On The Strain, Eph, Nora and Jim cut the corpse open to discover a new circulatory system, causing Jim to finally confess. Also, Ansel locks himself in the shed and Setrakian is ready to hunt
Posted in: Reviews
The Strain Teaser: Jim's Confession

The Strain Teaser: Jim's Confession

Eph and Nora perform an autopsy on the transformed Redfern and learn more about the mysterious virus. Jim confesses his participation in the outbreak on The Strain.
Posted in: The Strain
The Strain Review: Shedding Parts

The Strain Review: Shedding Parts

The Strain survivors are in the final stages of metamorphosis. Eph and Nora fight to save Redfern but they're too late. Meanwhile, hundreds of rats are abandoning the sewers and Fet plans to figure out why.
Posted in: Reviews
The Strain Review: Face The Master

The Strain Review: Face The Master

Eph and Nora’s quarantine is called off despite the survivors visible symptoms. Palmer leads a campaign of misinformation, while Setrakian receives an unexpected visitor on The Strain.
Posted in: Reviews
The Strain Review: Love Infection

The Strain Review: Love Infection

An ancient strain of vampirism spreads after a dead airplane is discovered at JFK Airport. Eph Goodweather and his CDC team investigate on The Strain.
Posted in: Reviews

The Strain Quotes

Love is going to guide them all back. To their homes. To their loved ones.


He's back. I don't know if I have the strength to do it all over again.
