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- Adrian and Ben head to the hospital prepared for the birth.

- The baby is born stillborn.

- Ricky and Amy prepare for their night away.

- Alice has an ominous dream.

- Grace accidentally calls Grant's ex-girlfriend fat to her face.

- Madison and Jack are still together, but not having sex.

- Jeff wants Kathleen to move to Africa with him.

- Tom meets a girl with 2 kids and wants to marry her.

- Leo's assistant wants him.

- The whole crew rallies around Ben and Adrian during their tragedy.

The Secret Life of the American Teenager
Episode Number:
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The Secret Life of the American Teenager Season 3 Episode 26 Quotes

For two people not having sex they can't keep their hands off of each other.


You look like an idiot. You know that, right?

Ashley [to Amy]