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The Vice President on the United States makes an unscheduled visit to Los Angeles and all of the rookies and T.O.’s are called in on their day off.

West keeps getting calls from his Mom after he has to cancel their brunch together. Later, Jackson tells Chen how his brother has kidney disease and Jackson was a match. His brother told him it wasn’t that serious and Jackson joined the police academy. Two months later, his brother was in renal failure and got a kidney transplant from another donor. Their mother thinks Jackson chose the job over family and haven’t spoken. 

Nolan and Bishop check on a class 2 threat. The man ends up having a flare gun in his bag and plans to accost the V.P. when Nolan and Bishop arrest him. 

Nolan and Bishop try to intervene during a road rage incident in traffic, when one person pulls a gun and fires. An innocent bystander sitting in her car is shot and killed. 

Nolan is surprised by Bishop’s positive attitude all day. Bishop admits to Nolan that she’s in therapy. She worries Nolan will think less of her, but Nolan says she’s brave for confronting her problems head on .

West and Lopez stumble upon a elderly woman tied to her wheelchair. Her adult son tied her up when he went out claiming she has early alzheimer’s and he does it to keep her safe. He won’t spent the money for a caregiver. They arrest him for elder abuse.

Bradford and Chen clear a street of homeless people living in tents when a scuffle takes place and Chen ends up with a dirty needle stuck in her side. Bradford takes her to the hospital so she and the needle can get tested. It’s clean for any major diseases but she needs to be treated for a staph infection.

Chen stumbles upon a young woman who is about to inject her brain dead brother with bleach because the man’s wife won’t take him off of life support. Before the woman can push the plunger on the needle, Chen tazes her. 

Bishop and Nolan stumble upon a marijuana dispensary being robbed. A firefight ensues. The wheelman, whom they have in custody, is shot in the crossfire. Backup can’t reach them quickly because of the road closures due to the Vice Presidents visit. Lopez and West are working with the Secret Service a block away. As secret service has the building secure, they ask to help their fellow officers who are taking fire but the lead agent tells them no. They leave anyway.

Lopez and West arrive at the scene, give cover fire, and take the injured man to the hospital, saving his life. Later, Sgt. Grey backs them up for responding to help their fellow officers. 

Nolan’’s ex-wife, Sarah, gets an offer on their home in Pennsylvania and plans to sell it. Nolan wants to buy her out to keep the house in the family but he can’t meet the price. He built the house and they raised Henry there; he doesn’t want to give up the memories. Bishop tells him she moved around a lot as a kid and never lived anywhere that special, but what makes Nolan’s house special are the memories and those can’t be taken away. 

Later, Nolan is thrilled when Henry sends him the piece of doorframe where they marked off how tall he was each year. 


The Rookie
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The Rookie Season 1 Episode 11 Quotes

Did you just glass-half-full our suspect? Who are you and what have you done with my T.O.?

Officer Nolan

Everything we do today is going to piss someone off.

Officer Bradford