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We pick back up at the dinner where Dorinda ends up drunk and in tears over a silly argument over the the use of the f-bomb. Heather escorts her out of the room to try and calm her down. Ramona gets in the middle and tries to edge Heather out but she refuses to go. 

Heather finds a strange naked man in Bethenny’s bed. She’s upset because she sleeps naked and all of their rooms are open. Ramona says she doesn't know anything about the man and says and to talk to LuAnn. LuAnn claims she doesn’t know who that was. That they all brought men home together and she doesn’t know who that man was. Heather and Carole are furious.  Later, LuAnn admits to bringing the guys home and making out with one of them. She thinks the other guy was with Ramona. LuAnn doesn’t bat an eye when she hears that her guy was married. 

The ladies head back to New York City and Carole meets Bethenny for lunch. Carole tells her that Ramona brought home a guy and that she left him naked in the connecting room. Then they talk to Dorinda about what Carole calls the F-U dinner. 

Kristen throws a Diamonds and Denim charity event and asks everyone to bring a glue gun, iron scissors, or an ice pick if they have one. The ladies get together to decorate jeans for the event. LuAnn attacks Heather, saying she’s angry that she stormed into her room and accuses her of trying to catch her in the act with a guy. LuAnn also says that Carole apologized that Heather was so out of control, something that Carole firmly denies. 

Ramona eventually apologizes for leaving the naked man in the other bedroom and Heather accepts her apology but Dorinda jumps in accuses Heather of being too preachy. Heather tells her to stop meddling. 

Bethenny is upset by some of Kristen’s quotes about her in the paper. Kristen tells Bethenny she’s overreacting but then admits she knew they’d be taken wrong when her husband read them to her. Bethenny asks why she didn’t simply call her and apologize but eventually they make up. 

The Real Housewives of New York City
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