Election Day Nears - The Plot Against America
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Democratic Presidential candidate Walter Winchell is beaten at a rally in Detroit. Billy Murphy,  from Alvin's Army unit, visits. Anti-Jewish disturbances are being reported across the country, which causes Herman to cut his route short. Billy puts Alvin in touch with a British military intelligence agent. Winchell is shot dead in Kentucky. After hearing that, Bess rushes home to check on Selma and Seldon. Alvin gets recruited for an effort to take out Lindbergh. The new Italian neighbors bring the Levins gifts of a cake and a handgun. Herman, Bess, and Philip try to attend WInchell's funeral. Lindbergh doesn't address anti-Semitism in his national address. Sandy destroys his Lindbergh portraits. Lindbergh's plane goes missing. Acting President Wheeler declares martial law and puts a national curfew in place. A panicky Seldon calls Bess because his mother hasn't come home. She tries to calm him down as she hears gunfire outside her house. The police shot two thugs who were protecting the neighborhood. Herman admits they should have moved to Canada. Bess plans Seldon's rescue. She sends Herman and Sandy to the Mawhinneys in Kentucky. The FBI arrests Lionel after the First Lady is committed. The Klan burned Selma in her car. Bess refuses to help Evelyn and sends her away. Alvin asks the Schapps to alibi him. Anne Lindbergh, who had been unlawfully committed by Wheeler, gives a radio address condemning racial violence and calling for the removal of Wheeler and an emergency Presidential election. Alvin brings his fiancee Minna to meet the Levins. Lionel spreads a conspiracy theory that the Nazis were manipulating Lindbergh by detaining his son who was thought dead. Lionel loses his synagogue. Alvin and Herman get into a brawl over the state of the Jews. Ballots are being burned in the special election. 

The Plot Against America
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The Plot Against America Season 1 Episode 6 Quotes

So, Billy, who the fuck told you where to find me and why?

Alvin [to Billy]

What you don't understand, Anthony, is that I come from a long line of Third Ward roughnecks.

Herman [to Anthony]