Trust Is Lost - The Mole Season 6 Episode 3
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The episode picks right back up with Alex Wagner discussing the deal and the offer made on the exemption. Alex reveals the highest bid was made for $25,000.

Joi made the bid. Dom and the group are shocked that she would make such a high bid for an exemption. The group is hoping she got the bid incorrect.

Joi guessed Greg. The group watched video footage of Greg looking through the dossiers.

Joi successfully guessed Greg. Joi gets an exemption from the quiz, but $25,000 is taken from the prize pot.

The new group pot is $3,500. Avori is mad at Joi for spending the money; she confronts Joi about her strategy. Joi refuses to reveal how she's playing. She plans to win the money back. Greg loves all the drama happening.

The players take part in the quiz. Some of the questions include: What zodiac sign is The Mole? Were they in the air or water? Who is The Mole? Is The Mole exempt from the quiz? Did The Mole arrive at the villa in the afternoon?

In confessionals, Joi stands as one of the biggest suspects.

Alex Wagner inputs the results into the laptop. Jacob is the first player. His phone screen turns green.

Avori is safe.

Dom gets a red screen. He is eliminated and escorted out of the villa. Pranav is upset that Dom was eliminated since he cared the most about the group pot.

Dom reveals to Alex Wagner that he changed his choice during the quiz. He regrets not sticking with his target from the first two weeks. Meanwhile, Avori believes her sabotaging pushed Dom to think it was her.

For the next day, the players travel to Ravenswood in Australia for their next mission. They cheers for Dom at a local pub.

Dom, who has just been eliminated, is driven to a location outside of the bar. Alex Wagner calls him to reveal a new mission: if he can get people within the bar to tell him a password, he'll return to the game and give them $10,000. However, he'll be eliminated if he doesn't get the password. He has 15 minutes.

Dom calls the group and starts asking them questions. Pranav gives him a correct answer, but Sandy refuses to answer. She believes Dom will have an advantage and wants him eliminated.

The group talks it out. Half the group wants to bring him back and get the money, but the other half wants him gone. The group votes and decides not to help Dom.

Dom chooses the wrong password. He's fully eliminated from the game. Some players look to Sandy as a potential Mole suspect.

Alex Wagner returns to reveal their next mission: a bank heist. The players will have to sneak into a bank at night to steal cash and gold. The players have to choose the two players they feel are the best critical thinkers; the critical thinkers will divide players into a gold team and a cash team.

Avori pitches to be a team leader, but William doesn't want Avori and Pranav in a group together. William pitches for Kesi and Pranav. The group aligns on Kesi and Pranav.

Pranav is leading the cash team with Avori, Jacob, and Sandy. Kesi is the gold team with William, Joi, Casey, and Greg.

During the mission, Pranav and Kesi will have to manage the security system. They will be the only ones with the information to make the mission a success. The team will have one hour to break into the bank and steal the cash and goal.

The Cash team is tasked with breaking into the vault to steal $10,000 (no more, no less). The twist is that the money in the vault is mixed currency from around the world. They'll have to convert the funds and figure out the exact change.

Pranav has the currency tracker in the office. Sandy is suspicious of Pranav since it would be easy for him to sabotage the mission.

The Gold team will have to navigate through lasers to steal the gold boxes. If the group hits three lasers, the mission will be over. William hits his first laser while trying to walk through the lasers. The rest of the group safely makes it through.

In the vault, there's a logbook with a bunch of keys and a list of accounts. The group will have to figure out the correct keys and the correct safety deposit boxes.

Avori catches Jacob trying to sabotage while counting the money. She recounts his money piles and discovers he's been adding and removing money from the U.S. pile.

The Gold team unlocks their first safety box, but they discover it's not gold. Most of the boxes they open have other jewelry, but they need to find gold. Greg theorizes there is a way to decipher the boxes from Kesi's room.

Sandy and Pranav have a miscommunication over the value of the Taiwanese money.

The Gold team discovers another piece of platinum jewelry. Kesi can't figure out how to tell the names apart.

The Cash team recounts their money and believes they have $10,000. The Gold team passes the time without discovering a single piece of gold.

Alex Wagner reveals that the boxes with the gold were associated with names that were tied to wealth and gold. Joi is suspicious of Kesi for not making any connections to help the team.

The episode ends on a cliffhanger before the Cash team finds out if they won.

The Mole
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The Mole Season 6 Episode 4 Quotes

Alex Wagner: Joi, do you have anything you want to say?
Joi: I just wanted to secure another day in the game.

Avori: What is the gameplay you're playing right now? Because obviously, it’s not the same one we’re playing.
Joi: No, I’m here to win money as bad as you all are.
Avori: That’s not true!