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Mindy wants Danny to propose. She tries to see if he is looking for an engagement ring. After sleuthing, Mindy discovers a jewelry store purchase on a credit card statement.

While teaching the residents at the hospital, Mindy is called into Dr. Fishman's office. She tells Mindy she has recommended her for a teaching fellowship at Stanford, thanks to her knack for teaching. Mindy wants to accept, but she still believes Danny is going to propose. 

Peter asks Danny to set him up on a date. The woman he wants to set her up with is a hoarder. Mindy runs into Peter's date, Jessica, and she asks questions about who Peter is. She mistakes Morgan for Peter and introduces herself. Morgan thinks the date is part of the Secret Santa gift. 

Mindy overhears Danny talking on the phone about stones and Mindy gets very excited. At dinner, Mindy thinks Danny is going to propose, but he actually bought a burial plot for himself. Mindy agrees to apply for the fellowship.  

Mindy goes to Danny's and tells him about the fellowship. Danny does not seem happy about her leaving for eight months since they are not engaged or married.

Danny tells Peter about Mindy's opportunity. Peter points out the proposal trap of Mindy wanting to be engaged by Christmas.

Morgan finishes the date and Jessica invites him up to the hoarder apartment. She finally makes it clear that she thought Morgan was Peter. 

The doctor asks Danny on his opinion for Mindy's recommendation. Danny tells him not to write the letter. 

Jeremy wants to plan an elegant office party. He invites Lauren's colleagues to join them and the office is not happy. Mindy doesn't know what to get for Danny as his secret Santa. Jeremy is getting ready for the Holiday Party and locks Beverly in a supply closet. 

Since Morgan couldn't bring his new girlfriend, he invites his cousin, Lou, to join him at the party. Jessica shows up to the party for Morgan, so he must tell Peter about the mix up. Peter has to try and tell everyone that Jessica thinks Morgan is him.

Mindy gets upset that the doctor did not write the recommendation letter for her, Danny feels bad since Mindy was very excited about going. Mindy presents her Secret Santa gift to Danny, a documentary about Danny's life. Jessica finds out, via the video, that Morgan is not Peter and she leaves. Morgan goes to Jessica's apartment and tells her the truth and wants to get a second chance. 

Danny hears how much Mindy liked him after her time in Haiti, that he leaves the party and Mindy is upset. Danny goes to his mother's house to get her engagement ring. Annette tells him that instead he should get her into the fellowship, since he messed up her chances. 

Peter gives Lauren a gift for her son. When Lauren leaves, Peter looks like he may have feelings for her again.  

Danny shows up at the all-female nativity scene when Dr. Fishman is and gives her the application. Danny goes back to Mindy's apartment and gives her his recommendation letter. Mindy finds out that she is accepted to the fellowship. 


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The Mindy Project Season 3 Episode 11 Quotes

You know I'm not an easy man to impress, unless I'm watching a magic show.


Just make sure the pressure is firm and consistent, like trying to convince your boyfriend to do a couples' costume.
