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-Football star Doc Dugan appears to die in a car explosion outside of his bar but Jane finds him alive.  The real victim was Doc's assistant, Jake.

-Jane convinces Lisbon to let everyone believe Doc was dead, including their new boss, in order to catch the killer.

-Dugan sees that most of the people in his life didn't really like him, except his ex-wife who still loves him.

-The CBI team set up the two car bomb witnesses, Steve, Dugan's manager and Alex his agent.

-Steve sneaks a peak at a file. The file is bogus and during the lineup Steve fingers Rigsby as the bomber. Steven confesses that Dugan's memorabilia was worth a lot more if he were dead so he tried to kill him.

-Cho's back continues to bother him after he tackles a suspect and he's still taking pain pills.

-Rigsby fights with girlfriend Sarah when he asks her to prep him for a case and she pushes too far about his past.  He later apologizes and they make up.

The Mentalist
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The Mentalist Season 4 Episode 9 Quotes

You recognized my footsteps. That's weird.


Cho: Welcome to the future.
Wainwright: They promised us jet packs and gave us compromised investigations.