Into the Fire
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The trucks are on their way to the research facility.

A reporter shows up at the research facility. The Army guy is watching as she tries to go inside. He makes a phone call and tells the person on the other end to abort. Wade doesn't want to abort.

The reporter approaches Dixon asking if he knows anything about the rumored outbreak. She leaves but gives him her number.

Flashback to Zaire. Wade is telling Trevor about the dangers of the virus and why they should be afraid.

Jaax is at the family holding room at the hospital where people are being questioned and tested. Bruce's wife talks to Jaax about what's going on and how scared she is.

Trevor shows up at the hospital and lets Jaax test patients.

The team arrives at the facility. Dixon wants in but Jerry is keeping it quiet and gives him another mission to watch the nearby playground.

Jaax goes to Jahrling and Ben to see what their status is and has them help her with the hospital blood samples.

Jerry gives the team instructions on how the animals are going to be handled.

Jaax is testing blood as the soldiers suit up.

The team enters the building and get to work. The monkeys are going crazy and start spitting.

Back in the lab, Jaax and team continue their testing. Some of the samples show green. She calls Trevor to let him know.

Flashback. Trevor is helping the pregnant woman give birth but Wade doesn't want to help. He thinks they're all lost. The baby apparently died as did everyone else.

Trevor starts to talk to the patients.

Jerry's team start sedating monkeys, taking blood and spleen samples, and euthanize them. The soldiers are exhausted.

Back at the Level 4 lab, they start to get the monkey samples for examination. Jaax thinks the incubation period might be longer to allow the virus to spread to more people. Jahrling leaves the lab and is clearly exhausted and shocked by what Jaax said.

A few of the soldiers accidentally allow a monkey to escape. Ormond was attacked by the monkey and is breached.

Jaax finds Jahrling and tells him Ormond is coming in. The rest of the team look for the escaped monkey. Jerry radios Dixon to tell him to watch for the monkey in case it gets to the roof.

The soldiers get to the roof as the team below give chase. The soldiers on the roof block the monkey and it comes back down and is taken care of.

A woman across the street sees the soldiers in full gear on the roof.

Ormond is taken in and decontaminated. Jaax goes in to talk to him. He's upset about being quarantined for 21 days and the whole situation. She tries to calm him down.

Jaax calls Jerry. Jaax asks another general to join the team to take Ormond's place.

Jahrling discovers that Ben has a fever. He has a fever too.

Wade looks at the blood samples and is curious that they are soupy. He leaves to check something out. Jerry is coughing and exhausted and decides his team needs a break but he doesn't join in. The rest of the team go to a restaurant to eat and the people are curious about them.

Wade is looking through an office. He learns that 94 monkeys were sent to Hazleton but only 93 arrived.

Jerry passes out and an alarm goes out to get him out just as Jaax arrives. She learns it's Jerry.

The Hot Zone
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The Hot Zone Season 1 Episode 5 Quotes

This must happen sooner rather than later. Sooner is safer for everyone.


Jerry: This location has been abandoned for 34 hours. Animals in there are hungry. Expect a violent reaction. Little guys don't like the suits. Let's not forget. These are not hostile enemies just primates that got involved in something they did not ask for. They have the same goal we do: to survive.
Wade: Just like Ebola except it's smarter, better at it than we are.