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Heidi's homecoming is ruined when her mother disapproves of her plastic surgery.

Seriously, it's bad. Her mom tells it like it is, and for Heidi, that's not good.

Her mom accuses her of wanting to be Barbie, and says she looked better before.

Heidi says her folks are from the mountains and just wouldn't understand.

She would absolutely cry if her face weren't frozen in position. It's sad and funny.

Kristin and the girls head to Miami for Super Bowl weekend - and a Maxim party. Wild!

The trip goes sour when her hard partying starts to worry Audrina, Lo and Stephanie.

They stage an intervention of sorts but Kristin laughs it off. She's got no problem!

Meanwhile, Kristin worries about Brody flirting with Audrina. Role reversal, eh?

Guess things never worked out with Justin-Bobby.

The Hills
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