The Good Wife Reviews

The Good Wife Review: "Real Deal"

The Good Wife Review: "Real Deal"

Welcome back, Michael J. Fox! The actor reprised the role of Louis Canning on "Real Deal," while Will also realized just how underhanded Bond could be.
Posted in: Good Wife
The Good Wife Review: Cary On!

The Good Wife Review: Cary On!

We got an inside look at the state's attorney's office this week, as Cary played a key role on "Silly Season." Peter also chose family over politics.
Posted in: Good Wife
The Good Wife Review: "Nine Hours"

The Good Wife Review: "Nine Hours"

The Good Wife delivered a tense, suspenseful, perfectly-paced episode this week. "Nine Hours" was an example of everything that makes this drama one of the best on TV.
Posted in: Good Wife
The Good Wife Review: "On Tap"

The Good Wife Review: "On Tap"

A federal wire tapping led to a number of intriguing developments this week. Unfortunately, the latest episode of The Good Wife closed on a disappointing note.
Posted in: Good Wife
The Good Wife Review: Pay Attention, Dina Lohan!

The Good Wife Review: Pay Attention, Dina Lohan!

An episode that dealt with one modern day, relevant topic - and also introduced new character divisions and storylines - helped earn The Good Wife a solid 4.8 rating this week. It was entertaining, interesting stuff all around.
Posted in: Good Wife
The Good Wife Review: "VIP Treatment"

The Good Wife Review: "VIP Treatment"

The Good Wife took a riveting case and a fascinating scenario this week and then copped out a bit with the conclusion to "VIP Treatment." Wouldn't it have been more interesting to see the firm actually take on a lawsuit against a Nobel Prize winner?
Posted in: Good Wife
The Good Wife Review: "Breaking Fast"

The Good Wife Review: "Breaking Fast"

Dallas Roberts shined as Alicia's brother on this solid season two episode. It treated viewers to an interesting case and advancement in the feud between Kalinda and Blake.
Posted in: Good Wife
The Good Wife Review: "Unplugged"

The Good Wife Review: "Unplugged"

And the new junior associate is... no surprise to anyone that glances at the title of this show. But this week's episode of The Good Wife showed the means Alicia was willing to take in order to achieve her goals.
Posted in: Good Wife
The Good Wife Review: "Mock"

The Good Wife Review: "Mock"

This episode of The Good Wife started and ended with a bang. The case that intervened between the opening and the conclusion of "Mock" didn't hold our interest, however.
Posted in: Good Wife
The Good Wife Review: "Boom"

The Good Wife Review: "Boom"

It's over. Alicia uttered those two words to Peter to close this wonderful episode of The Good Wife. The show just keeps getting better and better.
Posted in: Good Wife

Good Wife Quotes

Will: I took you in. I hired you. I pushed for you.
Alicia: Will, this was a business decision.
Will: You were poison!

Cary: How are things in the bar attorney trenches?
Alicia: Same as there only without the fees, resources or muffins.