You have found a great place to watch The Good Wife online. TV Fanatic has many options available for your viewing pleasure so watch The Good Wife online now!

Teaming Up - The Good Wife
Watch The Good Wife Season 7 Episode 12
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On The Good Wife Season 7 Episode 12, Alicia, Cary and Lucca team up to defend a former client over a song and Alicia's neighbors try to evict her.

The Whole Family - The Good Wife
Watch The Good Wife Season 7 Episode 11
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On The Good Wife Season 7 Episode 11, after Eli's confession.the whole family as well as Eli pile into the campaign bus to follow Peter to the Iowa Caucuses.

Getting Rid of Jason - The Good Wife
Watch The Good Wife Season 7 Episode 10
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Eli makes a shocking confession to Alicia in The Good Wife Season 7 Episode 10 while Ruth uses Courtney to try and get rid of Jason Crouse.

A Questionable Relationship - The Good Wife
Watch The Good Wife Season 7 Episode 9
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On The Good Wife Season 7 Episode 9, Alicia and Lucca defend a website against an accusation of racial profiling and Jason is investigated by Ruth and Eli.

Poaching Clients - The Good Wife
Watch The Good Wife Season 7 Episode 8
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On The Good Wife Season 7 Episode 8, desperate for business, Alicia and Lucca try and poach clients from Louis Canning while Diane faces a conflict over a case.

Peter Moves Back In - The Good Wife
Watch The Good Wife Season 7 Episode 7
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On The Good Wife Season 7 Episode 7, Peter moves in with Alicia to present a family image while Alicia and Lucca go up against Lockart, Agos, and Lee.

Eli Plots to Take Down Peter - The Good Wife
Watch The Good Wife Season 7 Episode 6
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On The Good Wife Season 7 Episode 6, Eli must decide whether to leak information to damage Peter's presidential campaign when he learns it may hurt Alicia too.

Florrick Family Drama - The Good Wife
Watch The Good Wife Season 7 Episode 5
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On The Good Wife Season 7 Episode 5, Eli stirs up trouble for Peter's campaign, Howard alleges ageism against Cary and Jason uses aggressive tactics on a case.

Against Her Own Interest - The Good Wife
Watch The Good Wife Season 7 Episode 4
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On The Good Wife Season 7 Episode 4, Alicia clashes with the bond court judge while Diane is coerced to to argue against her own beliefs in a case.

Getting Help - The Good Wife
Watch The Good Wife Season 7 Episode 3
Original Air Date:

On The Good Wife Season 7 Episode 3, Alicia ends up in the middle of an FBI sting operation. Elsewhere, Ruth wants Alicia and her mother to do a cooking show.

When you watch The Good Wife online, you will get to know Alicia Florrick. We were first introduced to her as she stood meekly beside her husband Peter after a horrific political scandal when he was the state's attorney for Cook County, Illinois. Can we say hookers? Yes, yes we can. Despite being terribly wronged, Alicia decided to stay with her husband and reenter the workforce. As luck would have it, as she made her rounds of interviews to find a law firm who would accept someone who hadn't practiced in 13 years, she ran into an old college friend (and crush) who had his own firm. Alicia joined Lockhart/Gardner and became one of their top associates. When you watch The Good Wife online, you will watch the transformation of Alicia as she goes from someone new to the workforce to someone who dominates her field. Clients want her on their cases because she wins. When you watch The Good Wife online you will also discover that after so many years, it is often time to branch out to greener pastures and thus she formed her own firm. No details -- you can find out on your own when you watch The Good Wife online.

Good Wife Quotes

Will: I took you in. I hired you. I pushed for you.
Alicia: Will, this was a business decision.
Will: You were poison!

Cary: How are things in the bar attorney trenches?
Alicia: Same as there only without the fees, resources or muffins.