The Flash Reviews

The Flash Season 5 Episode 5 Review: All Doll'd Up

The Flash Review: All Doll'd Up

On The Flash Season 5 Episode 5, Iris and Barry's relationship is put to the test when a meta named Rag Doll comes town. Nora learns more about her parent's history.
Posted in: The Flash
The Flash Season 5 Episode 4 Review: News Flash

The Flash Review: News Flash

On The Flash Season 5 Episode 4, a blogger tries to tear apart the West-Allens for personal gain, while Sherloque and Ralph move towards discovering Cicada's identity.
Posted in: The Flash
The Flash Season 5 Episode 3 Review: The Death of Vibe

The Flash Review: The Death Of Vibe

Team Flash searches for ways to defeat Cicada on The Flash Season 5 Episode 3, while Cisco's life hangs in the balance. Will Sherlock Wells come to the rescue?
Posted in: The Flash
The Flash Season 5 Episode 2 Review: Blocked

The Flash Review: Blocked

On The Flash Season 5 Episode 2, the West-Allens adjust to their new normal, while Ralph and Caitlin set out to heal Cisco's broken heart. Who is the new big bad??
Posted in: The Flash
The Flash Season 4 Episode 23 Review: We Are the Flash

The Flash Review: We Are the Flash

Ready to find out what happens on The Flash Season 4 Episode 23? Keep reading to find out if DeVoe can be stopped or if his consciousness will take over the world.
Posted in: The Flash
The Flash Season 4 Episode 22 Review: Think Fast

The Flash Review: Think Fast

The Flash Season 4 Episode 22 is all about enlightenment. What does that even mean? Well, you have to read on to find out. This is it before the finale!
Posted in: The Flash
The Flash Season 4 Episode 19 Review: Fury Rogue

The Flash Review: Fury Rogue

On The Flash Season 4 Episode 19, Leo and Siren-X stopped by and one of them was not planning on playing nice. Read our full review of the episode.
Posted in: The Flash
The Flash Season 4 Episode 17 Review: Null and Annoyed

The Flash Review: What The Harry?!

On The Flash Season 4 Episode 17, The Flash and Elongated Man find the next bus-meta. Meanwhile, Marlize discovers a shocking secret about what Clifford is up to.
Posted in: The Flash
The Flash Season 4 Episode 16 Review: Run, Iris, Run

The Flash Review: Run, Iris, Run!

On The Flash Season 4 Episode 16, a bus-meta accidentally makes Barry's powers go to Iris, making her speedster as she gets to feel like what it is to be Flash.
Posted in: The Flash
The Flash Season 4 Episode 13 Review: True Colors

The Flash Review: Prison Break!

On The Flash Season 4 Episode 13, Barry Allen must team up with the bus-metahumans as Amunet Black wants to buy them all. Read our review for more!
Posted in: The Flash

The Flash Quotes

Ramsey: You know, I don't understand you Barry. You march towards death without fear, just like mum. Where is it you get your strength?
Barry: Probably the same place she did, people I love.

Admission here is so easy.

Killer Frost