The Flash News

The Flash Season 6 Episode 8 Review: The Last Temptation of Barry Allen, Pt. 2

The Flash Review: Dark Flash

On The Flash Season 6 Episode 8, the team tries to stop Ramsey from infecting the city. Iris and Cisco butt heads trying to decide how to handle Negative Flash. Read our review!
Posted in: Reviews
The Flash Season 6 Episode 5 Review: Kiss Kiss Breach Breach

The Flash Review: Kiss Kiss Breach Breach

The Flash Season 6 Episode 5 had Barry and Iris away on vacation. Our review breaks down how Cisco is dealing with the pressures of being a team leader and the unfortunate news.
Posted in: Reviews
The Flash Season 6 Episode 3 Review: Dead Man Running

The Flash Review: Dead Man Running

The Wells of the season appears, Barry prepares Frost for his death, and Ralph's mom is in trouble with the CCPD on The Flash Season 6 Episode 3. Read on for our review!
Posted in: Reviews

The Flash Quotes

Ramsey: You know, I don't understand you Barry. You march towards death without fear, just like mum. Where is it you get your strength?
Barry: Probably the same place she did, people I love.

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Killer Frost