The Flash News

The Flash Season 7 Episode 14 Review: Rayo de Luz

The Flash Review: Rayo de Luz

Ultraviolet returned to Central City on The Flash Season 7 Episode 14, and Allegra was determined to bring her cousin over to the good side. Read on for our review!
Posted in: Reviews
The Flash Season 7 Episode 13 Review: Masquerade

The Flash Review: Masquerade

Cecile got trapped in a psychic prison on The Flash Season 7 Episode 13 and, in order to break free, she had to confront her past. Read on for our review!
Posted in: Reviews
The Flash Season 7 Episode 12 Review: Good-Bye Vibrations

The Flash Review: Good-Bye Vibrations

Team Flash said goodbye to Cisco and Kamilla on The Flash Season 7 Episode 12, but, before they left, they had to stop Rainbow Raider. Read on for our review!
Posted in: Reviews
The Flash Season 7 Episode 9 Review: Timeless

The Flash Review: Timeless

Barry turned to Timeless Wells for help after the Speed Force's betrayal on The Flash Season 7 Episode 9 while Iris took matters into her own hands. Read on for our review!
Posted in: Reviews
The Flash Season 7 Episode 7 Review: Growing Pains

The Flash Review: Growing Pains

A new villain framed Frost for a crime on The Flash Season 7 Episode 7 while Barry struggled with the Speed Force's constant presence. Read on for our review!
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The Flash Season 7 Episode 5 Review: Fear Me

The Flash Review: Fear Me

Psych arrived in Central City to strike fear into all of its citizens on The Flash Season 7 Episode 5, and Caitlin and Frost faced their new reality. Read on for our review!
Posted in: Reviews

The Flash Quotes

Ramsey: You know, I don't understand you Barry. You march towards death without fear, just like mum. Where is it you get your strength?
Barry: Probably the same place she did, people I love.

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Killer Frost