The Flash Season 1

In The Flash Season 1 Barry Allen lives in Central City. He gets struck by a particle accelerator tinged lightning bolt and suddenly becomes the fastest person alive.
"Fast Enough"

Dr. Martin Stein is back on The Flash Season 1 Episode 23. Elsewhere, Wells presents Barry with a life-changing choice on this season finale.

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"Rogue Air"

On The Flash Season 1 Episode 22, as Wells once again gets the upper hand on the STAR Labs team, Barry realizes he needs to make a big move and reaches out to an old foe, Captain Cold, for help.

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"Grodd Lives"

On The Flash Season 1 Episode 21 Barry deals with the Reverse Flash's latest threat while Dr. Wells releases Grodd onto on the city to distract him.

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"The Trap"

On The Flash Season 1 Episode 20, Joe, Barry, Cisco and Caitlin try to set a trap for Harrison Wells and Cisco uses himself as bait, putting himself in grave danger.

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"Who is Harrison Wells?"

On The Flash Season 1 Episode 19 Joe and Cisco travel to Starling City to get some help from Capt. Lance in their investigation into Harrison Wells and Cisco meets Black Canary.

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"All Star Team Up"

On The Flash Season 1 Episode 18 Felicity surprises Barry when she shows up in town with her boyfriend Ray in tow, looking for help on his supersuit.

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On The Flash Season 1 Episode 17, when a Trickster impersonator is bombing Central City, Joe and Barry question the original, imprisoned for 20 years.

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"Rogue Time"

On The Flash Season 1 Episode 16, The Flash learns that Captain Cold and Heat Wave have returned to Central City, this time with Snart's baby sister, Lisa, in tow.

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"Out of Time"

On The Flash Season 1 Episode 15 Cisco realizes that Dr. Harrison Wells may be connected to the Reverse Flash.

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On The Flash Season 1 Episode 14 after the nuclear explosion separates Ronnie and Martin they have to decide if they're safer together or apart.

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"The Nuclear Man"

Robbie Amell guest stars on The Flash Season 1 Episode 13. He's back as Caitlin's former fiance, who is now a dangerous meta human. Uh-oh.

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"Crazy for You"

On The Flash Season 1 Episode 12 Caitlin decides she and Barry need to find new loves to occupy their minds other than Ronnie and Iris and they hit a karaoke bar.

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"The Sound and the Fury"

On The Flash Hartley Rathaway, a former STAR Labs employee who was affected by the particle accelerator explosion, returns to exact revenge on Harrison Wells.

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"Revenge of the Rogues"

The Flash Season 1 Episode 10 is titled "Revenge of the Rogues." It will kick off 2015 for this CW series and it will feature the return of Captain Cold.

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"The Man in the Yellow Suit"

On The Flash, Barry comes face to face with the Reverse Flash -- the man who killed his mother! When he escapes, The Flash Team works to bring him back in.

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"Flash vs. Arrow"

On The Flash Barry is excited when Team Arrow visits Central City during an investigation, but things don't go well when he tries to prove himself to Oliver.

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"Power Outage"

he Flash goes up against Farooq aka Blackout, a metahuman who can harness electricity. During their battle, Farooq zaps The Flash and siphons all his electricity, leaving The Flash without his speed.

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"The Flash is Born"

The Flash faces a new metahuman named Tony, AKA Girder, who can turn himself into girded steel at will. Wells and Caitlin worry for Barry's safety as Cisco finds a way to take Girder down.

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On The Flash, after a bomb goes off, the Army rolls in and takes over, surprising Joe. Joe suggests his new friends at STAR Labs should look into the Army involvement.

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"Going Rogue"

Felicity visits The Flash because she heard of Barry's new powers and wants to get a look for herself. She's there in time to get a look at Captain Cold, too!

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"Things You Can't Outrun"

On The Flash Season 1 Episode 3, Iris and Eddie continue to hide their relationship, while Joe decided to finally visit Henry in jail.

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"The Fastest Man Alive"

On The Flash, when Barry escorts Iris to a University function to honor a scientist, he saves a life but can't capture people responsible for a robbery in progress.

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"City of Heroes"

After waking up from a trauma induced coma, Barry Allen discovers he has special powers.

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In the Flash Season 1 we are introduced to the world of Barry Allen, forensic evidence analyzer for the Central City police department. After he lost his mother to a creature that he has never seen again and of which nobody believed and his dad went to prison for her murder, Barry started looking for the impossible. It only makes sense that he would be interested in evidence. We get to meet everyone in Barry's life. Det. Joe West and his daughter, Irish, with whom he lived after his family was rippd away from him. We will get to know the employees at STAR Labs who help Barry understand his new abilities: Harrison Wells (who was in charge of the accelerator and ended up in a wheelchair from the accident himself), Caitlin Snow and Cisco Ramon. Rumor has it that both Caitlin and Cisco will be recognized as metahumans with abilities of their own, too. Along the way Barry will discover if he has it in him to be a true hero. He will watch the girl he loves, Iris, date Det. Eddie Thwayne and we will get to see his world cross over into the Arrowverse. A whole lot of awesome is coming in The Flash Season 1.
The Flash
Air Dates:
Total Episodes:

The Flash Season 1 Quotes

Barry: Thanks for not saying I told you so.
Joe: But I did say I told you so. Repeatedly.

Caitlin: Are you suggesting that Dr. Wells is in league with the thing in the yellow suit? We all say that thing nearly kill him that night.
Cisco: Yeah. Nearly.