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Robin meets the shadow-y figure again, and they delve into the past.

Robin learns that the CIA wants her back but she is not interested.

She learns that her posting has had a lot of traffic on social media, and the best lead yet came in the form of a young man kidnapped.

His mother worked for an FBI agent and she was warned to break into a safe and steal a document for the bad guys.

Robin and her team do their investigating and learn that two men in the back of a picture could be to blame.

Robin tracks them and kills them when they try to turn a gun on her.

She then finds teens who were earmarked for death and asks them what happened.

They wind up on the outskirts of the town at a crab restaurant where everyone is being held.

Dante asks the FBI agent whether Robin was a part of it, but he says no, and later shows back up saying someone meeting her description helped.

Robin is pursued by the CIA, and threaten that they can do a lot more than pester her.

Robin says not, and presses on with her mission. She saves the kid, but Dante continues looking into her.

She agrees to rejoin the CIA on a freelance basis.

The Equalizer
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The Equalizer Season 1 Episode 2 Quotes

Come on, let's get you into something a little less flammable.


Goon: You have no idea the magnitude of what you just got yourself into.
[Robin shoots both goons.]
Robin: Neither did you.