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Mary is staying at the Conners, Mark is on an overnight field trip to Springfield, Louise returns home from her tour, and Ben stops by to visit.

As everyone celebrates Louise’s return, they get an emergency message over their phones. There’s been a shooting at Lanford Woods Mall. That’s where Emilio took Beverly Rose. People are told to shelter in place while police search for the suspect.

Becky and Jackie try to go to the mall to find Beverly Rose and Emilio but are stopped outside their door. The police have their entire neighborhood under lockdown believe the suspect is in the area. Mary gets her checklist for lockdowns that they gave her at school during their regular drills.

Emilio calls. He and Beverly Rose are okay. They had to hide in a bathroom and stay quiet until the police found them and told them it was safe to leave.

On TV, the family learns that the shooter is James McNaulty, a young man who lives a block over. Harris went to school with him. Everyone is shocked. They all know him. He delivered their newspaper. Harris says there are plenty of kids she thought would do this before James.

Dan takes out a gun and loads it. He fears James coming through their door. Becky didn’t know he still had the gun in the house. She’s upset that he has it with Beverly Rose living there.

James comes out of his house but reaches for a gun. He’s shot and killed by the police as the Conner family watches the events unfold on TV.

Becky doesn’t want to let Beverly Rose out of her sight the next day. Emilio convinces her that it’s okay to let their daughter go to a friend’s birthday party. Mary doesn’t want to go to school. Not knowing what to say, Darlene lets her stay home.

Darlene learns that the school district has one psychologist for all 1500 students. The local Rec center has three counselors, but the line wraps around the block. Becky misses four hours of work and never gets in to see a counselor.

Dan and Louise feel they need the gun in the house in case of an intruder. Becky points out that it’s family wandering around the house late at night and that they are more likely to shoot one of their own accidentally.

Behind Dan’s back, Harris takes his gun down the police station, and they pay her cash for it. She gives the money to Dan. Dan says he understands why she did it, but he’s still angry that she took his property.

Jackie breaks down in front of everyone. She is overwhelmed and has been doom scrolling on her phone for approximately nine hours each day. Dan says she shouldn’t be alone and has her stay overnight.

The Conners have a sleepover as Jackie stays on the couch. The entire family eats and plays games and begins to feel better.

The Conners
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The Conners Season 4 Episode 14 Quotes

Darlene: I’m actually relieved that Mark went to the state capitol now.
Ben: Oh yeah, because no angry mob ever storms a capitol.

Louise: This is crazy. It’s like this happens every day.
Harris: It does happen every day.