L - Red and Weecha - The Blacklist Season 10 Episode 21
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As Dembe leaves the mosque, he's approached and given a phone. Raymond is on the other end and warns Dembe against helping him anymore. He should focus on being an FBI agent.

At the Post Office, Arthur and the Task Force try to anticipate where Reddington might go.

Elsewhere, someone gives multiple people identical cars and tells them where to go.

Hudson tries to talk to Ressler about Jonathan, and Ressler punches him.

As the team tries to track Red down, he spends time with Paula. They talk about Glen.

Cooper talks to his people, many of whom have reservations about going after Reddington. He tells them that they have a job to do.

Red calls his realtor and has her find him a house.

The team learns that Red is at Paula's, and Dembe responds with Siya in tow. They find he's gone, and they question Paula. She says he heard Red talk to his realtor.

They find the house's location, but it is on fire on arrival. Dembe realizes Red is using the firetruck to break the police perimeter.

Arthur and Nixon talk privately, and Arthur expresses concerns about the Task Force and their loyalty.

Nixon finds phone records that prove someone called Reddington from the Post Office.

Using Red's movement patterns, Dembe realizes Red will be traveling on a boat to avoid the police.

Hudson interviews Ishwood, whose phone had been used to place the call. He denies making it. CCTV footage reveals that it was Dembe.

Dembe tries to find the boat but learns it left. Nixon arrests Dembe on the field.

Red finds Weecha waiting for him with a car.

Cooper questions Dembe, and he admits to having called Reddington.

Arthur decides to have Dembe transferred to a proper FBI facility.

They are intercepted by Red and his people, who are there for Dembe. Their vehicles crash.

Arthur frees himself and draws a gun on Red, but Dembe gets in the middle to stop a gunfight.

Arthur gets nervous and pulls the trigger, shooting Dembe in the neck.

Red pulls his gun swiftly and shoots Arthur in the head, killing him. He takes Dembe, and they run away after shooting Ressler in the chest.

Ressler's vest saves him. He finds a dead Arthur lying on the ground.

The Blacklist
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The Blacklist Season 10 Episode 21 Quotes

It's been over a decade, and I still don't know him. But there are a few things we should probably explain. His personal assets are in the billions, the scope of his influence is basically unlimited. And those are just his external resources. It's his mind you should be worried about. No matter where he is, the time of day, weather conditions. He has escape routes within escape routes.


Dembe: I'm going to bring you in, Raymond.
Reddington: That's the spirit.
Dembe: I'm serious.