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It's Sheldon and Amy's fifth year anniversary, and during their make-out session, Sheldon asks Amy if she thinks he should start watching The Flash. Amy gets upset that he isn't focused on her, but he doesn't understand.

Sheldon asks Penny for advice, and Penny agrees with the reason Amy is upset. Meanwhile, Raj's girlfriend wants him to have sex with her in a graveyard, and Raj is afraid of hurting her feelings.

Over dinner, Sheldon wonders why Amy still hasn't called, then tells Penny and Leonard he could argue they aren't moving far in their relationship either. Penny and Leonard both become insecure about the fact that they haven't picked a date for their wedding.

Penny asks Leonard if they could do it now, and they decide to go to Vegas to get married.

Bernadette and Howard try to tell Stuart they want him to move out, but it's tough to do. Meanwhile, Raj tries to break up with his girlfriend, but instead ends up telling her he loves her. And Bernadette and Howard end up singing Happy Birthday to Stuart instead of asking him to move out.

Penny and Leonard are on their way to Vegas, and they talk more about their relationship. Leonard admits to kissing a girl while he was away on his research trip years ago. Penny says she thinks he is trying to sabotage them getting married.

Sheldon and Amy video chat, and Amy tells Sheldon she needs to take a break from their relationship. After they end the call, he pulls out an engagement ring he was planning to give her.

The Big Bang Theory
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